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Dark Fang Bow Crate Versión 1.0

Dark Fang Bow Crate
Dark Fang Bow Crate
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This bow has the new Unity Maxim scripting, that allows increased power as you advance in rank. It will only work with the new Unity Maxim Meter.

Unity Maxim is a development that I have long wanted to undertake. When combined with the Unity Empire gathering system it forms a complete game and role play development system for sim owners. Unity Maxim is an "experience" meter because for the first time the entire Unity system - meter, weapons, environment objects, Empire objects (e.g. food) and spells all interact and communicate their experience. Weapons in this new system can be affected by spells, interactions in the environment, and even by your advancement level. For example, you can now create doors that open only for a certain Class without having to update a notecard in it. The door can actually talk to your meter to find out your class. It can also require that you not only be in the class, but have enough strength, or be at a high enough rank (level). Or, you might need great dexterity to pick a lock, or a pocket! The options are really unlimited.

  • Longbow, normal bow, fast bow
  • Limited or unlimited arrows
  • All functions click-selectable
  • Mesh with custom texuring
  • Lifetime upgrades!

L$ 850

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Unity Maxim
Unity Maxim
Vendido por: Warwick Falconer

Se necesita terreno

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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