Harrys Outdoor Living
Harrys Outdoor Living
Sold by: Harry Quijote
Joined: November 04, 2006

We carry our brand for around10 years now in Second Life. We have the store located on our Harry's Houses sim; fully dedicated to our top quality outdoor items and homes.

Our in world store is a beautiful built place with SL's best Swimming Pools, Grills & BBQs.

We have a well known name in animated swimming pools, jacuzzies, hammocks, rafts, cars, sauna's and much more...

Look for our fun beach items like unique coolers, deck fridges, boats and soo soo much more...

Aside of our small exclusive homes line, we now have a large collection of professional built houses that you can come pick up for free. All original Harry's Houses homes that we designed over the past years. Why free? Because our main focus lays on everything around the house nowadays.

We keep designing new high end items where we focus on detail and quality more than anything else. No crappy low prim look a like products but genuine top quality scripted/animated/textured items.


- We always offer personal customer service. Contact us through a notecard inworld or by IM.
Fastest way (within 24hrs respons usually) is by email: harryquijote@gmail.com.
- Visit harry's profile for detailed policy.
- We do not do refunds or share/give our textures, see detailed policy on how we solve these issues, because we do like to help you out!

Inworld Store

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