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MZD Tip Jars, Tech & Clothing
MZD Tip Jars, Tech & Clothing
Vendido por: Marcus Zenoria
Te has unido: December 04, 2009

Designers of Quality Tip Jars, Donation Boxes and other Gadgets. All low lag and designed with the user in mind and laggy SIMs!

Too many Tip Jars and Donation Boxes available are designed by people who have never DJ'd or owned a club. All ours have been designed from personal experience and talking to other DJ's and Club owners. They are then tested in busy clubs before they are added to MarketPlace.

Our Jars and Boxes are packed full of useful functions and features, and we are always willing to add another if you have an idea to improve them.

My range of Tip Jars started by accident! I spent weeks looking for a tip jar that would do everything I needed, I could find ones that did some of what I needed, but none that looked good and also catered for everything I wanted from a jar, without costing big bucks! Eventually I gave up and made my own!

That one tip jar, has now become a large range of designs and functions. I have tried to make a range of jars with various functions to cater for everyone. However, I am always prepared to create a custom jar if you need something specific.

I would suggest you take a look at the Tip Jar Comparison Chart so you can select the script best suited to your requirements. Each type of tip jar script is available in a variety of designs.

* Rez ‘n Go Range
* Simple Range
* Professional Range
* Ultimate Range
* Live Artists Range
* Club Range


> Support with any issues you may have

> Guaranteed for life - You break it we'll replace it!

> Unfortunately, because our products are copy, we cannot refund purchases. If you are not sure which version suits you, contact us BEFORE you buy

> Support can ONLY be guaranteed when you contact us through the website (

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