Package includes:
- 1 (mod/copy/transfer) 1 prim multiface mesh primitive bridge.
- read me.
It is mesh, it is 1 prim, cost 1 LI in any size even 64 x 64 x 64, in convex hull or prim systems, so in linking to any other prim not increase LI self at all.
This mesh have no any issue describing below.
Why is a reason to make such simple thing, as looks like close to it can be done with half cut hollowed cube?
Yes you right you can do close looking bridge with regular prim, half cut cube and hollow it. but there are some issues many builders met:
a) Link such hollow cube to mesh or link sculpt, make sculpt no physics, and you will see LI increase 3 and more times even on small sizes.
First problem.
b) Try to texture INNER sides separate texture that hollow cube.. nope, not possible, only one stretched texture over sides and floor, and with heavy adjustments. I am still confused about correct repeating in such case.
Second problem.
c) Try to make transparent texture at that half cut cube be glass reflective or not mess with other transparent textures behind it, number of prims immediately increase 3 or more times. Example 0.5 x 0.5 x 5 will cost you 7 LI (sometimes! not).
Third problem.
d) Can you texture handrails at such hollow cube? well no, because there are no handrails. only rails.
Fourth problem.
e) Cube hollow limited to 95, it will make rails very thick.
Fifth problem.
f) Resize it to 5 x 1.5 x 64. It will cost 8 prims to you from a land. E.t.c.
This primitive bridge mesh has NO ANY described problems. It has 7 separate texture face that can be textured with ANY regular texture you have in inventory, No need any special backing textures. Easy way to texture any rails, handrails, floor, sides of floor and back size of floor. It stays the same 1LI in any size from micro 0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 to maximum SL allowed 64 x 64 x 64.
Ready to use for transport roads, ready to use as support prim for complex sculpt bridges, make it nice pierce, or beach promenade, combine with stairs, columns, towers, (as you see at pictures) to get various visual effects.
If there are any minuses in this mesh item? Cannot imagine more then only one I can name.
Rails are zero thick size (not handrails) and suppose to use any rail texture, so if you will use any solid not rail texture it will looks less close to bridge.
Yes, if you do not like texture or want to make it suitable yours area objects, you can use ANY (yes ANY) texture you have in inventory to apply. No need any special, baking etc.
List of faces:
- 1 texture face for left rail (use any rail texture you have, do not forget to change repeats);
- 1 texture face for right rail (use any rail texture you have, do not forget to change repeats);
- 1 texture face for left handrail;
- 1 texture face for right handrail;
- 3 texture faces for floor.
Railing texture that already covers this bridge I made by default white, so you can color tint using default SL texture interface to suit overall look of bridge.
Be sure you select face first to separately change texture. If you not familiar with this basics, ask yours more experienced friends how to texture different faces on prim (side on cube for example. it is absolutely the same).
NEKKA (Silk Aeon)
- - precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
- - optimized LOD for distance, simple phisics for compability with prim system.
- - ANY regular texture compatible, uses multiface meshes;
- - custom LOD, custom physics, not need any backing textures;
- - ready for personal use.