[Cinnabelly] - Spotty Cat // Katy Cat // BOM
![[Cinnabelly] - Spotty Cat // Katy Cat // BOM](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/32751415/view_large/Snapshot_001.jpg?1674274043)

Hello everyone! This is my first full mod creation. It is for the new Katy Cat head. Thank you so much for your support of my products as well, I couldn't do it without any of you! Comes in two colors as well!
This is a BoM compatible body. While that is said I definitely recommend the Ebody (Reborn body) for the mod, but it's not necessary.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out! Since IM's cap, please send a notecard to my IM's please! You may send both IM and a notecard if you so wish.
Link: https://linktr.ee/bloodykitty230
【R E Q U I R E D】
[• AUGUST •] - Katy Cat Head (bento head)
【R E C C O M M E N D E D】
【Apricot Paws - Handy Paws (Male & Female)】-
【Feety Peets (Male & Female)】-
Fur Texture (head, top, bottom):