Part of the Red Comet's Crap 2.0 line of weapons.
"Stalk thy prey and let loose thy talons upon the Darkness."
A weapon blessed by the Traveler, this weapon draws with Secondary weapon commands.
This weapon is compatible will all of our old weapon sets, as well as the new Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary weapon loadout system.
For more information, please visit the Red Comet's Crap discord.
- Materials Enabled
- Low Lag Scripting
- Custom Sound Effects
- A Cool Box
- New Weapon Scripts
High quality
Looks better than the picture
Pretty great for free.
Love the weapon model. Scripting, naming, documentation, could all use a little work.
Chat channel is /1, draw is draw2, sling is sling. Had to find that by opening the gesture instead of having a notecard included. Folders should have the store name as part of it, and unpacker huds or scripts are preferred to the old school box method. But hey, it's exactly what I was looking for for an RP sim and I didn't pay a single linden.