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{ M A J I I K } / { m a j i i k }
Have Fun!
Offer more period and genre specific products on SL!
Offer more source disclosure with said products!GIVING BACK:
Group Gifts in-world.Purchasing from this store directly benefits the Satori Stories Community Roleplaying Game/Group/Grounds. (SSCRPG.) Select products also split profit with the SSCRPG Player Enhancement Fund(PEF). Learn more at the Gateway OoC Landing here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Solariam/37/82/4001
Special thanks to these folks for the Artist suggestions!
tormenta.pizzaro- Règlements
In World Store shows max size of canvas and banners.
Not all "see in world"s go to the store, but all go directly to the product they are linked to as a convenience.Questions or Concerns or Artist/Artwork Suggestions should be sent in a Note Card, in world, to NejraTu
A reminder, this is for fun!