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[Boxed] Mesh Alpine Living Room : by Dekute Dekore

[Boxed] Mesh Alpine Living Room : by Dekute Dekore
[Boxed] Mesh Alpine Living Room : by Dekute Dekore
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**New Release 1/20/2013**

- Save 10% when you purchase as a set! -

This is a part of my best, most versatile mesh set to date! As pictured you can have a side table and table lamp with a land impact value of ONLY 1!

You get a 3 piece set to maximize you customizing ability.

- Side Table & Table Lamp
- Side Table
- Table Lamp

Texture Change Menus
With my innovative texture change scripting you get to change textures independently from each other allowing ultimate customization to fit your own personal taste & room decor.

Not only do you have the power of choice you have the right to Detailed, High Definition Photo Realistic Textures! That's right NO blurry or distorted textures that you commonly find in many 1 prim objects.

- 12 rich wood grains

- Also includes the ability to Hide or Show the shadows.

- Plus real working On/Off Lamp Light

Since this a Mesh object you will need the latest version of the SL viewer or similar viewers.

Sounds too good to be true? Seeing is believing.. Check out the floor demo in world @ Dekute Dekore! You can try out all the amazing features in person!

**Save 5% Off when you Purchase in World!**

If you have any questions or comments feel free to drop me a notecard... send it to Debil Skute!

Have fun =)

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Texture Change Menus
  • Hide/Show Shadows
  • On/Off Light

L$ 237



Dekute Dekore
Dekute Dekore
販売元: Debil Skute


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

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メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 1