Obatala's Sopera & mesa (table) バージョン Obatala's Sopera & mesa (table)
Creator of Mankind, Lord of the White Cloth, father of the orishas. Owner of all things white, including the bones and the head. Source of purity, peace, and power. Demands justice and fair dealing; abhors lies and drunkenness. Special guardian of all children born blind or with birth defects; also of albinos. His symbols include the snail and the elephant. His color is white and mother of pearl; his number is 8. Cognate with Damballah Wedo, Our Lady of Mercy (La Merced), and St. Patrick of Ireland.
Kindly father of the orishas and humanity, owner of all heads and the mind, also the bones all things white. Known as the King of the White Cloth; he governs purity, wisdom, peace and compassion, and enforces justice. He has both male and female paths. He will not tolerate lies, drunkenness or disorderly behaviour. Children with birth defects are his special concern. He is honored with white foods: white roosters, coconut, cocoa butter, eggs, rice, cornmeal, nothing with salt. Never offer him liquor.
He is symbolized by the snail, the elephant, the gorilla, the boa constrictor, and the chameleon, each representing his characteristics of persistence, intelligence, sociability, power, and ability to change swiftly. He is cognate with damballah Wedo, the serpent loa of peace, harmony, and purity.
- Sopera (ceramic jar) and mesa (table)
- Both mesh
- Sopera has 1 prim
- Mesa has 2 prims; prim load changes with size