TNC Animated Genie Lamp Greeter, Information Giver, Group Inviter (incl. SmartBots), Tip Jar, Donation Jar & Gift Giver バージョン 3.0
The TNC - Totally Naughty Clothes Greeters:
✔ Animated greeters for your visitors and guests. Each Greeter Comes With Its Own Unique Animation Set.
✔ Can give out Inventory which is copy allowed (except for scripts & in some greeters textures).
✔ Also serves as a Group Inviter. (Both Normal & SmartBots enabled)
✔ Can Serve As A Tip/Donation Jar & On Payment Plays A Different Animation!
✔ Sends you - the owner - a message every time a visitor clicks on it. (And as all other options can be turned off.)
✔ They Are Fun and actually People WANT to Click On Them.
✔ It does NOT work on Sensor and therefore does NOT spam your visitors.
✔ Messages are ONLY SEEN by the person who clicked on it or when in need you, the Owner. There is no chatter spam.
✔ It is Fully Configurable via the Menu & Notecard System.
✔ Copy & Mod Allowed. (Mod to Add your Material to Contents To Be Given Out.
✔ Bright, Resize, Texture Changes all take place Via The Menu System.
✔ Every Option Is Configurable By The Owner Via the Menu & Notecard.
✔ No Limit on the amount of items to give to each visitor (excepting Scripts & Textures - but they can be boxed into an object to give out!)
✔ With Bart, the Blackboard changes textures, (uses preload textures for fast rendering), with some Bart Sayings specific to SL!
The Greeter can be used as a Greeter, Info Giver or Gift Giver, Tip/Donation Jar & Includes Messaging the Owner & Group Invites - Both Normal and SmartBots Enabled.
The Greeter is Copy and Modify. It will show up as No Modify in your inventory due to the scripts, but you can Mod the object because, if you wish to, you will need to add items into the Contents to be able to give out to your visitors.
The Notecard Setup was added for some parameters to grant it total flexibility.
You can set out as many of these as you want all with different or the same configuration.
You can see a Demo In Second Life @ The TNC Interactive PlayGround - TP To:
Full & Complete Instructions are available when you click on any demo, or just IM me in-world.
I have tried to add maximum flexibility into the Gnome Greeter without it being intrusive to the owner or visitor once set up.
Enjoy :)
TNC - Totally Naughty Clothes
- Menu Operated
- Rotate, Brightness, Textures & Resize All Included