shop mall store - 6 LI - 30 x 20m
2 レビュー
A mesh shop, store, mall or club. Mesh, 5li, and yes copy yes mod. Just under 30m x 20m suitable for 1024m plots up.
*Note the old 6li version with door and flat roof is still delivered as well, as a courtesy.
yes cop yes mod 5LI mesh, see inworld and vid link below
Second Life の商品を表示 ビデオを表示 »- yes copy yes mod
Mesh Shop - Mall- Club
this is a great build very happy with it would recommend to any one who looking for a low prim place I modify mine got it down to just 4 LI great work very happy 5 stars
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Awesome building for what I need, builder super nice answered all questions I had
Highly recommended!