treadmill - animated and scripted

Hi. This treadmill is scripted with ten animations, various walks and runs, and an excercise routine.
To use it right click it and choose 'Excercise!' You will stand on the treadmill. Now cycle the animation routines by clicking the black handles. The right handle will give next anim, the left hand handle will go back an anim.
Click the LCD display for live vital sign monitoring. Click it again for results screen. The treadmill footwalk is smoothly animated.
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Pesky beeps
These things decided to go off one day for no reason. The screens were red on them. Like to have drove me crazy until I found the source of the beeping.
Really Good
I love it the anims are really good ! Cycle them back and fore with the black handles.
Two stars... for not taking in consideration that not all avatars are created equal leaving out a height adjustment script. Like selling a vehicle without a steering wheel.
Gosh if a sit position script had been added that would have made it worth L$70 =/
Sadly I'm not going to use this "freebie feeling thing" because of that.