GD02-XXXG-01D2- Gundam Death Scythe Hell Custom 1:10 Standard Edition Avatar Set desc. & User Guide
. 1:10 Standard Edition: This av is about 7.2 ft (2.1 meter) height
. For Full resolution Images, view gallery:
. Requires Viewer that supports alpha mask (SL2.0+, Pheonix, Cool, SnowGlobe, etc.)
. Avatar is -MOD+COPY-TRANS
. Rendering Cost: 5113 ~ 5540(medium)
Model includs: (parts / attach point)
. Head (skull)
. Armor (chest)
. Wings / Backpack Booster (Spline)
. Upper Arm Armor (L / R upper arm)
. Forearm Armor (L / R Fore arm)
. Hands (L/R hands)
. Pelvis (pelvis)
. Upper Leg Armor (L/R Upper Leg)
. Lower Leg Armor (L/R Lower Leg)
. Foot Armor (L / R Foot)
. Body Shape, clothes and Hair
HUD system
. Weapon HUD
. Booster HUD
. "Dark Field Creator" HUD
. The creator of this product is not responsible for any technical error cause by lag or other unauthorized use. Althought the gun / booster scripts are tested for several times, but there can still be some small error we haven’t noticed. For any major bug, please contact the creator for debugging.
. The creator of this product is responsible for errors caused by insufficient permission setting. If you found any item in this product have any problems of rezzing due to insufficient permission setting, please contact the creator for item updates.
Alternative Parts:
Please choose either one set of the following parts:
Weapons: (Choose one set)
. Beam Scythe [W] (Weapon)
. Beam Scythe [A] (accessory, not for battle)
---Blade Mode User Guide (Beam Scythe)---
. Designed for fast combat, Low lag and realistic style.
. Design for Large area, short~mid range attack,
. When Equipped Beam Scythe, weapon can be toggle on/off via clicking the HUD (refers to HUD system userguide)
When Blade Mode is ON, 5 Moves are avaliable:
[Commands on Ground (4)]
. Combo slash: (on ground) Left MouseClick + Forward (Fwd or W Key)
Performs 2 Slash forward (damage 2 X 2 )
+ 1 Heavy Slash (damage 3 X 1 )
Performs 1 Heavy Slash forward (damage 4 X 1 ) (loop between these 2 moves)
[coldown time: medium]
. Arc Slash: (on ground) Left MouseClick + Shift(Hold) + LHS or RHS (Left or A key / Right or D key)
performs 1 Giga slash, damages a large range Fwd (damage 5 X2)
[coldown time: medium ~ long]
. Death Wave; (on ground) Left MouseClick + Backward (Bwd or S Key)
Summerset and sents a cut wave fwd. (damage 2 X 1)
[coldown time: Short]
. Deamon Fang: (on Ground) Left MouseClick + Crouch (C key)
Hoe Attack that damage Fwd (damage 3X1 )
[coldown time: Short~medium]
[Commands in Mid-air (3)]
. Cresent Moon Slash; (mid-air) Left MouseClick + Direction keys ( FWD/ BWD / LHS +Shift / RHS + shift key)
Summerset and sents 2 cut waves fwd. (damage 2 X 2)
[coldown time: Short]
. Multiple damage power may not accumulated, due to game-balance protetion. Multiple damage only enlarges the attack range.
SUB weapons:
SUB machine Gun:
. Activated By HUD or User Command (read HUD system user guide)
. When activated, use Mouse look mode (M key to enter) to fire (Hold L mouse button)
. It can become a mid-range fire support for the Beam Scythe (can also used in mouse look mode), they do not conflict with each other.
"Dark Field Creator" HUD
. Click the Button in the HUD to rez a dark field. The dark field lasts for 10 sec, It can be use to confuse your enemy.
. Each use cause the HUD to take 15 seconds for reloading.
very well made ive built the scale model of this and its dead ass accurate
absolutely the best
I'm a huge gundam fan but haven't purchased any gundam avatars because they all looked like crap. This one is the best Deathscythe i've seen in SL yet, bar none! The folding wings are a great touch. Now if he could just do the other two versions of this wonderful God of Death i'd be a happy fanboy!
as good as it gets
1/10th Scale one of the Best gundam Replicas by far...and its Hell Custom!!!
booster is great
Scythe is perfect
detail magnificent!
instant fav! nothing else to say, it has all I need. <3
waited for a half day for the delievery.... but it's cool! I know that the marcketplace and magic box thingy just sucks, but I won't blame you caz it's not your bad!
and it's a cool av! X3 nice combat animations!
the scythe is super cool, and so well-synchronized with the attack animation! plus the reality-look animations!
cool to every single bit. Now no more trolls can nitpick on "why there's no sounds" on you products now!
looking forward to you next work! <3