G&S Multi-Currency Vendor (Coin & $L) Version v17
Most popular Vendor in G&S markets since it's release 2013. Over 1000 vendors sold!
This vendor accepts either $L or G&S Coin. Your customers can either "Pay" from the right click menu, or "touch" to pay in G&S coin. They get the same product out of the vendor.
Works with Non-copy/Transfer-only items.
Note while this vendor was deigned to work in the G&S RP environment. You can disable the G&S coin option, and your customers can pay in Linden's.
Simple setup- Rez; load; set the prices and it's ready to go.
The scripts are No Modify. However, instructions include how-to install the scripts it in your own boxes.
o Sell for L$-Only, Coin-Only, or Both
o Configurable Hover text, Color, Alpha, and which lines are shown
o Updated Instructions
o Update G&S Coin API
Registered users should have gotten the update already. Please IM me if you've not.
Download instructions- Sell same product for Lindens/L$ or G&S Coin
- Group members can resupply vendor
- Simple Setup, using say commands
- Updated to G&S Coin API 1.3
- Free updates as they become available
Security ?
I can't change the group mode. Why ?
Best G&S vendor
I use it now für 1 or 2 moths it wonderfull easy to handel group can refill it easy setup and very nioce price