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G&S Multi-Currency Vendor (Coin & $L) Version v17

G&S Multi-Currency Vendor (Coin & $L)

Most popular Vendor in G&S markets since it's release 2013. Over 1000 vendors sold!

This vendor accepts either $L or G&S Coin. Your customers can either "Pay" from the right click menu, or "touch" to pay in G&S coin. They get the same product out of the vendor.

Works with Non-copy/Transfer-only items.

Note while this vendor was deigned to work in the G&S RP environment. You can disable the G&S coin option, and your customers can pay in Linden's.

Simple setup- Rez; load; set the prices and it's ready to go.

The scripts are No Modify. However, instructions include how-to install the scripts it in your own boxes.

o Sell for L$-Only, Coin-Only, or Both
o Configurable Hover text, Color, Alpha, and which lines are shown
o Updated Instructions
o Update G&S Coin API

Registered users should have gotten the update already. Please IM me if you've not.

Download instructions
  • Sell same product for Lindens/L$ or G&S Coin
  • Group members can resupply vendor
  • Simple Setup, using say commands
  • Updated to G&S Coin API 1.3
  • Free updates as they become available
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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Security ?
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted January 26, 2015 by Bill Simmering

I can't change the group mode. Why ?

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Best G&S vendor
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 09, 2015 by sayuko14

I use it now für 1 or 2 moths it wonderfull easy to handel group can refill it easy setup and very nioce price

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Very nice Vendor script for G&S
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 16, 2014 by Dakota Tobias

I like the many options available for the your script. I would like to see if it could send messages to owners when items are purchased by coin so we know when to update stock and what is or is not selling.

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Simple and Easy
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 23, 2014 by Dretch Footman

Couldn't ask for a better vendor for the G&S items, the instructions on the note card is clear are easy to read. Had the 1st one up and running in under a minute! Great stuff!

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full star full star full star full star empty star Posted July 20, 2013 by Beira Serenity

V15 works like a charm. remember to read the instructions! it helps makes it much easier to change L$ or coins or both!

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