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SSS Gunboat (pirate battle boat) Version 3.0 (2024)

SSS Gunboat (pirate battle boat)
SSS Gunboat (pirate battle boat)
1 Review

Depending on the situation, as well just because of need, pirates and armies used to take any available boat and arm her with a cannon. A much used and loved general purpose little fighting ship, fast, lightly armed, easy to manouevre, and easy to prepare, gunboats fought many sea and river battles.

- SPD compatible.
- The SSS Gunboat is copiable and physically modifiable.
- No additional parts to wear, it comes in one piece.
- It is driven by the wind
- Turn speed depends on the ship speed, so kedge anchors were included.
- 8 hitpoints of structure strength.
- 1 aimable cannon that can be served by the captain and/or one gunner, using the HUD and/or the controls on the hull.
- 2 camera settings for the captain.
- Iron angle is 35.
- It shows progressive damage.
- Autodeletes 1 minute after sinking.

The box includes:
- SSS Gunboat.
- Repair depot.
- Gun/Sailing HUD (copy/transf).
- Sailing gestures.
- Instructions.
- Extra documentation about sailing in SL.

Average rating: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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Looks good, don't work
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 07, 2017 by Turlough Fargis

It looks the part, as do all of Evvva Viper's ships and launches. But it has such terrible trouble crossing sim lines at Pirates Destiny that it sadly is unusable.

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L$ 450

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Southern Seas Ships
Southern Seas Ships
Sold by: Evvva Viper

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Mesh: Partial Mesh