A friend asked me to make a buoy, so here it is - a complete set of marker buoys and daymarks.
Ther are 3 buoys ~ Green, red and yellow ~they all have a flashing light and an authentic ocean buoy sound (gentle waves and a bell), They also have the option to change numbers (just click the buoy and you choose the number/letter from a menu) - The red one comes with even numbers, the green with odd numbers, and the yellow has letters.
There are two options included in the pack - the same buoys with or without movement (the moving one also has a water foam surround) .
I've also inculed two daymarks ~ a square green one, and a triangular red one (both with the same number-change menu as the buoys)
Last but not least - a "no wake" sign (that has no menus or options whatsoever LOL)
Ok ~ I think I've covered all the bases ~ here's what comes in the box:
3x rotating buoy ~ 8 prims each
3x static buoy ~ 7 prims each
2x Daymarks ~ 2 prims each
1x no wake sign ~ 2 prims
I hope you like ~ to see the rest of my items, click on the "visit the store" link on the right ~ Thanks for looking! :)
False advertising
Why are your buoys marked as copy/mod when they are not mod? the fact that they have a menu to change the numbers does not mean its mod. that's called an option within the product. mod means I can change its seize, change a possible texture, add a script to it. so tell me please why you did false advertising and what will you do about this?
I'm tempted to flag this item unless you can fix this.
UPDATE 29 nov 2015.: I contacted this creator inworld and at first she wanted to fix the problem. She started off by sending me other products and not even knowing what i actually bought. then a few days later she did an other attempt to try and fix it... remember, i don't ask for much, i ask the object to be mod as advertised (excluding the scripts, i know what a slow rotating script looks like, lol) But sadly this proved too much for this creator. a simple checkbox at the 'Next owner' Modify seemed impossible to accomplish for this creator. I got irritated with this and so did she. but i wonder who she's angry at, me or herself? Since it seems to much for this creator to check a simple checkbox and refuses to further correct the problem, i see not other choice then to report the product and its creator for false advertising. If you do consider buying this object, beware that it is NO MOD and it only slowly rotates. The reason for my low rating is not because of the 25L i don't care about that. but its the principal. You say its mod, then it has to be mod. And if you tell me you will fix it but seem to be unable to understand the perm system then i wonder how you even create things.
Not! Mod/And Copy
This item is marked Mod/Copy, But it is NOT
Would get 5 stars from me if the product was sold as marked (since i was looking for mod/and copy)
looks okay
These are good looking items, however the ones I received were no copy/no mod: The opposite of what was listed.
Looks good for low price
forget the expensive buoys .. this is perfect and cheap too