There are literally thousands of cars on the grid today. THOUSANDS! Some are excellent, some are dinky, some are in between. One thing they have in common is that LOTS of folks want at least one car to drive.
A second thing cars have in common is that very few of them have a license plate!
The mechanics at the Wingsong Dojo have been building many types of cars and other vehicles for a long, long time. From the beginning, we have included license plates on most of them. Then it occurred to us that possibly other folks would like to have a good license plate as well.
We decided to offer one of our favorite Wingsong license plates - this one has two simple, low lag scripts that give you a menu of different license plates and bumper stickers and does double duty as a horn.
1 - REZ out a copy of your license plate and LINK it to any vehicle for which you have COPY/MOD perms (technically, you only need MOD perms but I HIGHLY recommend you only link things to items which you have COPY perms to).
2 - Click on the license plate for a menu of some fun horns: the classic "Dixie," the Roadrunner's "beep beep," a backfire, a boat horn, an old Viking cow horn, a train whistle, a couple of excellent Claxtons, a bicycle bell, 3 "regular" horns.
3 - You also have some great onboard license plates with easy command chat scripting. We've preloaded 11 for you (some fun, some serious, and a few shameful self promotions).
To change your plates type "/789" followed by a letter "a - k" in local chat, without the quotes. The letters each represent one of the textures. For example, to change to the texture associated with the letter f, I would type:
/798 f
in the local chat window.
4 - Your license plate is COPY/MOD, so you can easily change out the textures by simply dragging your own into the plate's CONTENT TAB using your Edit tool (drag your texture from your inventory), then change the name to a letter (l - q). You have a maximum total of 17 textures, and you can delete some of the preinstalled ones to make more room for yours.
If you have any questions about how to do this just let me know and I'll walk you through it.
Also - we do custom orders for a SONG. IM Kit Ciaco if you have any questions about that.
For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!
Don't be misled by the low cost of our items - we make great products and sell for low prices to make our doodads available to people on all budgets. We can afford to do this because we create excellent items, provide excellent customer service and support, and we sell ALOT of doodads.
See item in Second Life