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Zen Metal Systematic - 1:1 (re)sizing guide objects

Zen Metal Systematic - 1:1 (re)sizing guide objects
Zen Metal Systematic - 1:1 (re)sizing guide objects
2 Reviews

Nothing fancy but very helpful for 1 real life meter = 1 Second Life meter -builders. NOTE: Everything will look MUCH MUCH smaller than what you're used to.

1. Rezz a relevant sample object (like a sofa) next to a mesh object you have bought.
2. Resize the mesh object to match the sample object's size.
3. Remove the sample object.

For those building and decorating in 1:1 scale, meaning 1 Real Life Meter = 1 Second Life meter, these objects speed up the process of figuring out how to size everything.

The package contains everything from average tree sizes to driveway widths, doors to door handle heights, counters, and building-regulation maximum height fences to 1960's-2020 American dinner plate sizes, but you'll probably find your favorite objects to do your quick resizes by. (My recommendation; seat height, door knob height, and standard door size.)

The package also contains a 10 yard stick, 30-foot stick, and 10 yard grids adjusted accurately to the metric scale. There is also a texture for yards with instructions to tile it correctly on a prim to match the meter. (You can build accurately to the grid's actual measurements without knowing your meters.)

Objects include many helpful bits and pieces; I recommend rezzing out a bunch to get an idea. You can also give these objects away if you like; they are copy-transfer.

Please let me know if you (or your group) own(s) a 1 RL meter = 1 SL meter location(s) - send me your LM, and I will send normal-sized avis your way as much as I can. (I call them #RespectTheRuler -locations, please feel free to add that tag (or #RTR for short) to your sim listing if you're even ATTEMPTING to build to 1:1.)

(It's 1 Linden to make it possible to send it as a gift.)


Also, grab many of the exact same objects imported as a Blender file here:

This should make creating original objects a whole lot easier!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 14, 2023 by Hope Janic

Over many years in SL I've gradually adjusted my avatar much smaller, and have come to prefer many of the objects around me to be comparably smaller. Although I suspect I'll always want rather high ceilings and larger jewelry than in RL, I'm looking forward to using this kit and experimenting more with scale. Thank you so much!

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Simple, enlightening.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 05, 2023 by AglaiaWrithemount

Well, as the description says, it's nothing fancy but saves SO MUCH TIME when figuring out what size everything should be if built to the actual metric scale. I know it will make me fewer friends, but I like it this way. Even though at first things look super small, when you think about it, that's how it is in real. Adjusting one's own shape to be as realistic as possible also makes it easier to see how it actually works. Tall girl in high heels and all... Often furniture can be awkwardly small for a girl of my height, not so big my feet don't touch the ground! Animations will take me some time, but it's alright; it will be very satisfying in the end.

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Zen Metal
Zen Metal
Sold by: Sebastyne Alpha

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