The Asian House was provided as a freebie with very simple scripts, no mod and no trans since a while.
Due to its popularity here comes the newest and probably best version ever:
Realistic hand shaded textures, authentic japanese design from the edo period.
Improved usability and group access have been added to the doors.
Open the door by touching or walking into it.
The controller (the silver buddhabeats logo on the door frame) is the brain of the house.
it provides a pop up menu with several options if you are on the access list:
*access = lock or unlock the doors. Choose group access for members of the group the house is set to. Display the help file to manage access lists.
*windows = change the window opacity.
*show help = shows the help file.
*reset = clears all access lists, sets the house to unlocked mode and resets scripts.
*exit = ends the menu.
You need some chat commands to manage accest lists:
**Asian House Commands List **
The following commands can be entered in chat while the controller is active:
'show help' - Displays this file
'lock' - Sets the controller and doors to locked mode
'unlock' - Sets the controller and doors to unlocked mode
'add [name]' - Replace [name] with the av you want to add to the list
'remove [name]' - Replace [name] with an av you want to delete
'say list' - Shows who is on the All Access list
'change time [time]' - Replace [time] with the number of seconds you want the Controller to stay active and listen.
I hope you will enjoy this house and it will make your everyday secondlife a bit more beautiful!
See item in Second Life- Its FREE!
- Access list / group access for doors and controller.
- Tintable windows.
- Low lag.
- Hand shaded textures.
brilliant freebie
I like this little house, its nicely done, I was looking for oriental buildings and so many of them are super primmy... this one is just very nice, simple, looks great. Thank you :)
The fact that I found this freebie was the start
..for a themed parcel on my sim. I said to a furniture provider that if any native asian sees my achievement he will die laughing. Fortunately he won't see it even if he could visit, as I moved in myself and he can only inspect it from outside.
Exactly what it says it is
As a freebie goes, this is pretty good value. The texture work is really good.
Only issue is it is tiny, so probably not a lot it can be used for.
thx :)
what you see is what you get,its really nicely made and textures are just perfect.Really nice freebie,get one and you will love it :)