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1 Prim Sofa and Armchair Set - Brown Leather

1 Prim Sofa and Armchair Set - Brown Leather

*** 1 Prim King ***
*** Sculpted Leather Sofa and Armchair ***

The 1 Prim King Proudly Presents, possibly the most realistic 1 prim Sofa and Armchair on the grid.

The choice between quality and prim count is over. Now you can have both with the 1 prim king.

Using the latest oblong sculpts and hand textured with exclusive photographs, this sofa pushes the limit of realism for 1 prim furniture. The oblong sculpt map gives an excellent level of LOD resistance, with the latest viewer, the shape is completely free of deformation at any distance. Through careful sculpting ugly pinch marks on the texture have been avoided, and careful shading and softening of reflections allows the photographic textures to blend into the light and shade of the 3D environment while maintaining an excellent level of photo-realism.

They have 3 different animated sitting poses, switch between them by menu.


only 1 prim each
Sofa Seats 2, Armchair seats 1
3 different animated sitting poses, switchable by menu
LOD resistant sculpts
Photorealistic texturing

Copy, Mod, No-Trans

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  • 1 prim sculpted
  • Custom high-res photo textures
  • 3 sitting animations
  • LOD safe
  • Super comfy

L$ 79

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Sidney Arctor's Fabulous Contraptions!
Sidney Arctor's Fabulous Contraptions!
Vendido por: Sidney Arctor

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