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4 Groups of Stones full permission

4 Groups of Stones full permission
4 Groups of Stones full permission
0 Resenhas

Here come several stone groups of only one prim.
You receive 2 basis prim forms and 2 basis shades.
The stones are textured in 4 different ways.

Which of them you will receive? - all of them.

You can do a LOT with them: You can stretch the stones in length, width and height. You can do the same with the stone shade. But as well you can put a low value for the texture into the stone shades. This will bring you looong evening shades. As well you can shrink the stone shade for midday and put a high value into the texture settings.

You will receive the prefab combinations of stones you see on the image.

Prims: Each group of four stones has only 1 prim together. One shade of the whole group has 1 prim as well. So you can choose to have a great stone landscape with shades or if you want to have a lowest prim area. I want to serve you with both.

This way you will generate limitless forms of rock, river, grass, water, mountains, ...

Have fun with your new landscaping area!
Rita Munro

  • create your stony landscape
  • each stone group is 1 prim (excl. shade)
  • you receive 4 groups of stones
  • 2 kinds of shades can be rearranged with the stones
  • full permission

L$ 49

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Rita Munro - Touch It!
Rita Munro - Touch It!
Vendido por: Rita Munro

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