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Botha Michigan House

Botha Michigan House
Botha Michigan House
6 Resenhas

Botha Michigan House

483 Prims
6000 sq.m. minimum land required

. Central Control
. Window Blinds
. Fireplace
. Lockable Doors
. Access List
. Dimmer Lights

All Objects are Mod, Scripts are NoMod.

Follow these steps to quickly setup your new building

± Place your package (rezzer box) at the center of your land.

± Right-click on the box , choose Edit and keep it selected.

± Choose " Rez Building " from the menu (dialog).

± Wait a few seconds until the building rezzes.

± Position and rotate the box as pretended, the building parts will follow your box movements.

± Now Click on " Save " , delete the package box ...

! Your building is now ready to use !

.After your building is saved, you can move, rotate, copy or even delete linksets like
control panels, doors, window blinds, etc.

.Any of these objects / linksets can be safely deleted or duplicated because they are
always available inside your package. Although is not possible to rez just one piece ,
you can get it from your package contents to your inventory, and rez it manually.

Classificação média: full star full star full star full star half star
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full star full star full star empty star empty star Postado(s) 07/10/2017 por Bubsee Lodenwald

I dont know which room is which in this house, ti is beautiful but confusing

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full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 25/06/2017 por Knightelf

I wish I found this house sooner loving it and I'm from Michigan to boot so bonus XD

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L$ 5.400

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Versão demo
Vendido por: Sergio Botha

Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Impacto no terreno: 483