WP-ZX2 Omni-Gun MK2 "Ace Makers" WeaponIndividual pack
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Designed for low-lag, realistic-style combat.
An Omni-gun with 4 types of transform, covering short range and long range attacks, allows you to perform multiple tactics during combat.
WARNING: PRIM-ANIMATION transform included. Although this model is +MOD, please DO NOT unlink/change linkset when modifying the model, otherwise the prim-animation transform will break down. Modifying animations/bullets is still possible.
. On/Off Toggle via HUD/sheath
. Realistic combat style, chainable combo attacks
. safe/unsafe mode available
. n-way Color-changeable via HUD
Blade flare dynamically changes color following the blade's main color.
. Compatible for "Safe mode combat" (GVG v2.22b+)
non-rez type of combat that allow you combat even in no-build regions.
. Working Weapon + sheath + Display Weapon
*(Small & Large Size)
. HUDs & Userguides
. "Bullet Simulator": Wear and use in safe mode, simulates visual effects of bullets.
. Small size: fits for all Dragon/Megaman avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. Large size: fits for all Gundam avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. For other extra large/ extra small avatars, you'll need to use modify permission to fit it in.
All attacks has 10% chance of causing "Gravity" status,
which will restrict your enemy's movement and damages his/her HP (GVGCS)
Atttack Attribute: I=Impale / C = Cut / B = Beam / E = Electric
Gun mode:
. Activated via uni-HUD (gun icon) or by touching the sheath
. When gun mode is ON, 4 modes available:
Dual-handgun Mode:
Triggers dual shot per fire, medium energy cost, suitable for Mid-range combat.
Effective Distance: 15m
Effective Range: .1*pi ~ .22*pi
Left-mouse key (click): 2X shot
damage: 10I+5I
EN cost: 7%
* MHHQ damage = 1/10 GVG damage, trim to integer
Plasma Cutter Mode:
Short - medium Range, low EN cost, can boost up distance/range/damage via charge.
Effective Distance: 10~13m
Effective Range: .1*pi ~ .2*pi
Left-mouse key (hold) : charge attack (4 level)
level / damage(GVG) / charge time (x) / EN cost
LV1 / 10C / x<1 sec / 5 %
LV2 / 15C / 1<=x<3 sec / 10 %
LV3 / 20C / 3<=x<5 sec / 15 %
LV4 / 25C / x>=5 sec / 20 %
Target Laser Mode:
Long Range laser that causes continues damage. Turns into a powerful and wide laser after 3 seconds of use, but consumes more energy. Can not move during firing, but can change rotation.
Effective Distance: 40~45m
Effective Range: .1*pi
L-mouse key (hold) : continues attack (2 level)
level / damage(GVG) / holding time (x) / EN cost
LV1 / 5B per 0.5 sec. / x<=3 sec. / 4 % per 0.5 sec.
(30% chance of causing 10B damage)
LV1 / 10B per 0.5 sec. / x>3 sec. / 7% per 0.5 sec.
. You’ll ALWAYS need to wear the “bullet simulator” to allow visual effect on target-laser mode. Without wearing bullet simulator, it can still cause combat damage, but you won’t see the visual effects (you can’t see the laser!). This applies for safe mode and non-safe mode.
. The animation playing on your avatar is not fully synchronized with the actual rotation of your avatar in-world. (i.e. when you see your avatar facing north, it may actually facing north-east.)
The laser on the gun may mislead you to the wrong directing of aiming. For best aiming, fire at MOUSE LOOK (first person view) mode.
Arc Projector Mode:
Causes powerful EM explosion in large area & short distance, but also has high consumption of energy.
Effective Distance: 5m
Effective Range: .5*pi
L-mouse key (click): burst shot
damage: 25E
EN cost: 33%
Non-combative commands:
PageDown (or C key) (Hold) + Forward/Backward (W/S key)
. Mode Switcher: Change gun mode forward or backward
Gun mode will loop in this flow: Dual HG -> P.Cutter -> T.Laser-> A. Projector (->Dual HG)
PageDown (Hold) + (shift) + Left/Right (A/D key)
. Reload: Recharge energy of gun.
Recharge time = (100% - energy left)*.05 (rounded to integer) (about 1 ~ 5 second)
. Auto recharge will trigger when there's no energy left
or when trying to fire but have not enough energy to trigger a shot
Auto recharge time = 5 sec.
Safe / Unsafe Mode
. Weapon's default status is in unsafe mode. Damagers will rezzed in this mode. In safe mode, non-rez combat available, supported by GVGCS v2.22+
. To enter/leave safe mode, input:
"/75 safe" / "/75 unsafe" in chat or touch the "heart" icon from Uni-HUD
Superb as always
I recently purchased this weapon, and for my first purchase from this designer, I am more than pleased. This weapon system grants you nigh everything you would need in either a combat or roleplay system, Highly modifyable and sounded. I had absolutely no qualms with the weapon once I figured out how to navigate the none too hard HUDs. Keep up the good work, and you made a loyalist for my energy weapon purchases.