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*D&D* ZE3- Double Edge MK3 "Oblivion Starlight" (Boxed) Version 20120213

*D&D* ZE3- Double Edge MK3 "Oblivion Starlight" (Boxed)
*D&D* ZE3- Double Edge MK3 "Oblivion Starlight" (Boxed)
1 Review

WP-ZE3 Double Edge MK3 "Oblivion Starlight" Weapon Individual pack

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Designed for low-lag, realistic-style combat.
A Double Edge with fine balance of range, power and speed.
Correctly combos the light & heavy attacks allows you to perform powerful EX-combo skills.
Dual-mode transform allow it to transform into Twin-blade mode, by consuming energy in each move, performs powerful attacks.

. On/Off Toggle via HUD/sheath
. Realistic combat style, chainable combo attacks
. Safe/unsafe mode avaliable
. N-way Color-changeable via HUD
Bladeflare dynamically changes color following the blade's main color.
. Compatible for "Safe mode combat" (GVG v2.22b+)
non-rez type of combat that allow you combat even in no-build sims.
. Self-adaptable blades won't break down even when changing linksets. Feel free to add more details and customize your own weapon!
. Camera control (beta) simulates impact effects of the weapon, brings more realistic of combat.
WARNING: Camera control is still beta-testing. It may cause error when using in laggy sims.
For your max stability during combat, please TURN OFF camera control.
Should an error occurs, turn on & off camera control once to fix the camera.

. Working Weapon + sheath + Display Weapon
*(Small & Large Size)
. HUDs & User guides

. Small size: fits for all Dragon/Megaman avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. Large size: fits for all Gundam avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. For other extra large/ extra small avatars, you'll need to use modify permission to fit it in.

All attacks has 5% chance of causing "Gravity" status,
which will restrict your enemy's movement and damages his/her HP (GVGCS)

Attack Attribute: C=Cut / I=Impale

Ready Stance (RS) = Hold Left Mouse button

.(RS)+Forward (/W Key)
Light Attacks(LA), faster but lower damage
(Double Edge):
(13)->(13)->(5+13)->(13)->(5+13)->(13+13)->(13+13)->(18C)->(18C)->(18C)->(18C)->(13+13)->(25I+[Fall Down])
EN Cost: -3% (builds up energy when attack)
(Twin Blade):
(25I)->(25I+13)->(13+18C)->(18C)->(13+18C)->(18C+13)->(18C+13)-> (13+25I + [Lift Up])
EN Cost: 2%

. (RS) + Backward (S Key)
Heavy Attacks (HA), slower but higher damage
(Double Edge):
(13+13)->(13+13)->(13+13)->(18C)->(18C)->(18C)->(18C)->(18C)->(25I+[Blow Away])
EN Cost: -5%
(Twin Blade):
(13+13)-> (13+13)-> (18C)->(18C)->(25I)->(25I)->(25I)->(13+25I + [Blow Away])
EN Cost: 4%

. (RS)+ Shift (Hold) + Left/Right(A/D Key)
Left/Right Strafe Slash.
Damage: 13
EN Cost: 0%

. (RS) + Down (PageDown/C key)
Backward Roll. (Evasion Skill)
(Release movement lock & breaks combo chain instantly.)
EN Cost: 5%

Tactic Stance (TS) = Hold PageDown key
. (TS) + Fordward (W Key)
(Double Edge): Activate Blade Driver Mode
Auto-Moving attack. Move forward and continually damages enemies nearby
Use directions keys to slow movement, press (RS) or (TS) to end B.D. mode.
Damage: 13 per 0.7 second
EN cost: Triggering uses 5%, then 3% per second
(Twin Blade): “Wind Cutter”
Auto-Aiming attack. Detects enemy 15m forward, dash to enemy and perform a slash.
If no enemies detected, will still move you 15m forward.
Damage: 18C
EN cost: 10% per use

. (TS) + Backward (S Key)
Mode Switcher. Switch between Double-Edge mode and Twin-Blade Mode
(Twin Blade mode has powerful attacks but consumes energy.
When EN drops to 0%, automatically switch back to Double-Edge mode)

. (TS) + Shift (Hold) + Left/Right(A/D Key)
(Double Edge): “Double Cyclone”
Cyclone that damages enemy 10m forward
Damage: 18C
EN cost: 7%
(Twin Blade): “Hurricane Wings”
Slash waves that damages enemy 10m forward
Damage: 20C
EN cost: 7%

EX-Combo Skills:
All chainable combo attacks must chain within 0.40 second, and if they successfully chained, EX-Combo Skills will be triggered.

. 4*LA + 2*HA
= LV1 - "Tornado" (Double Edge)
Damage (GVG): 13+18C+[Fall Down]
= LV1 - "Storm" (Twin Blade)
Damage (GVG): 13+25I+[Blow Away]
Energy Cost: 15%

. 6*LA + 3*HA
= LV2 - "Mega Tornado" (Double Edge)
Damage (GVG): 18C+18C+[Lift Up]
Energy Cost: 30%
= LV2 - "Giga Storm" (Twin Blade)
Damage (GVG): 25I+25I+5+[Fall Down]
Energy Cost: 15%

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Excelent product!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 15, 2013 by azure1

very fluid animations ,excelent detail and very good transformation,

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L$ 499

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D & D SilverSmith
D & D SilverSmith
Sold by: Darkraven Danick

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