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H.G.Wells Time_Machine [Deluxe Ultima Edition]!
100% Mesh GRID-WIDE Traveling Vehicles [Double Pack] Created by: What88 Zond

"Travel the SL grid in style with this amazing teleportation machine based on the popular time travel machine designed by Science Fiction author H.G. Wells"!


Tempest Inc. Creations Company will only be offering a small selection range of our product line here on Marketplace, these being a selection of some top selling Tempest products. For our full complete line of products we highly recommend that you consider dropping by our in world stores to shop with us.

We'll only be offering our freebie product bundles for the Time Cars, & Doctor Who items strictly at our in world shops from now on. If you are looking for those, please consider shopping with us in world, Thank you kindly!


* Comes with 2 amazingly detailed mesh versions of the Time Machine!
Noncannon V2 model, & a classic film accurate V3 version! XD

* Both Time Machines have [Specular] Details for SL Advanced Lighting, as well as custom designed textures. Includes comfort seat, dashbooard control console with crystal tip handle switch, custom ambient lighting when in use, & rotation wheel on back!

* Personal Land Marks based location listings teleport menu is built in, with a huge List of Default locations already included for exploration! Modify permissions on the machine, so can reset if ever needed, as well as add / remove locations from menu as desired.

* This is a worn vehicle with amazing effects, lighting, sounds, & is Flight enabled! When traveling using the V2 model, owners use a worn effects object for a brilliant one of a kind traveling vortex of color swirls. When using V3 model, the effects are built into that version, & are different to the other effects style in V2.

* Also features Classic Film Theme Music!
( Built into the machine with access owners touch )

Bonus Items:
* Display model Time Machine! "Up to scale"
* Custom wall painting! "with Resizer"
* The Time Machine novel! "Can be read in SL"

Price: 500L { Cheaper in world for just 350L }
Drop by the store within Second Life for lower price!

Lifetime customer service, & free updates if any!
Thanks for shopping Tempest Inc. Creations Company!

Disclaimer: Tempest Incorporated Creations Company, it's products, & or actions, are in no way intended to infringe upon any real world copyrights. All products are original designs, any resemblance to real world objects is purely coincidental, and is in no way meant to infringe upon any rights. All Linden Dollar proceeds from sales are used to sustain production, & maintain Shop rental costs.

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