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JuicyBomb - Eternal Skies EEP Settings [PBR Ready] & Second Life Mirrors

JuicyBomb - Eternal Skies EEP Settings [PBR Ready] & Second Life Mirrors
JuicyBomb - Eternal Skies EEP Settings [PBR Ready] & Second Life Mirrors
12 Resenhas

Hi! There are 4 EEP settings that I've made to give you a starting point. Feel free to edit these EEPs as you wish. I have also made 1 extra EEP called Soft Studio White, for bloggers and anyone that just wants to gaze at their avatar in a brightly lit environment.
NOTE: This is for the Official SL Viewer (the latest version)

How do I use this EEP?

Right click on the EEP Object in your inventory, and click > Apply Only to Myself

You can also edit the EEP further by going to the World tab > Environment > Personal Lighting

For more information about Environmental Enhancement Project, visit:

You can read my blog post about EEP here:

<3 Juicy

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  • pbr mirror
  • eep
  • environments
  • PBR
  • mirror
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full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 04/07/2024 por Ethan Paslong

just that one word says it for me, love it !

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Fantastic Mirrors and lighting
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 28/06/2024 por Sasy Scarborough

I used these for a recent blog post, the mirror fit snuggly into a frame and was the feature of the video. Being able to showcase it perfectly. Thank you for making these so readily available and saving people from having to work out how to do them themselves.

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L$ 10

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Vendido por: Juicy Littlething

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