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DeviceOnline Subscriptions
1. Life time beginner plan
2. Product comes with 3 months free subscription

Rental Online device is able to communicate with the following equipment:
1. Rental Board (included in the package)
2. Telepad (included in the package)
3. Machess Multi-scene Security Online (optional)
4. Land Manager Online (optional)
5. Rental Messenger/Group Joiner/Gift sender (optional)

Features of Rental Online
1. Configure and manage rental box lease on Device Online web tool.
2. Hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly lease options.
3. Owner may reserve or set up lease with/without an expiration date.
4. Lease may be set up using L$ amount or lease duration.
4. Smart resize feature or no resize at all.
5. Script is upgradable by drag & drop
6. Supports multi-scene unit by pairing to Machess rezzers on Security Online device.

The following commands are available for owners on the in-world rental box menu

1. "Connect"

To connect to Machess Security Online within 20 m range.

2. “Status”

To display rental box offset and size information.

5. "Box UUID"

To display rental box UUID. You need this value to set up rental board and telepad.

The following features, if applicable, are available for everyone

6. "Hourly", "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly"

Select a rental option from hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly rates. Rental options are only available when you have entered non-zero rental prices.

Change offset position and box size
1. Make sure "Resizable” checkbox is checked if you like box size to reflect on rental status.
2. After lease is activated you may manually change offset position by repositioning in-world rental box. Simply move rental box to the position you like (within 10 m from the original place), rental box will remember the new position and you may check the offset vector by touching the "Status" button from the menu. Resize the box if needed, the rental box will also memorize its size and apply the resize and offset next time when a new lease starts.
3. If "Resizable” is not checked. Offset and resize will not be activated. This is useful when you like to place your rental boxes at a fixed location or manage rental box location using Multi-Scene Rez Station.

How to reserve rental box for your customers?
1. Enter avatar name on Rental Online page and click the “Reservation Only” radio button. Submit your change and the hover text on the in-world rental box will change, indicating the unit has been reserved. Please note that the box is locked down for this avatar; anyone who pays the rent will not be able to steal the lease. To cancel a reservation, click the Cancel button on the online page.
2. You may set up a lease without expiration date. Simply select “Lease without expiration date” when creating a lease and submit your change.

How to upgrade your rental box script
To upgrade rental box script, make sure the lease is not active and simply drop the new version in the content. Once debit permission is granted the upgraded rental box will connect to the server and inherit the existing settings.

Veja o item no Second Life
  • Device online web tool
  • Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly lease options
  • Flexible leasing options
  • Includes rental board and telepad
  • Life time beginner plan

L$ 950

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Machess Gadget Store
Vendido por: Machess Lemton

Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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