G Geral

Nimbus R Hang Glider Versão 1.0

Nimbus R  Hang Glider

Nimbus R Wind driven Hang Glider.

Nimbus R is a realistic high performance hang glider for expert and intrepid pilots. It needs constant attention from the pilot, specially in strong and turbulent wind.
You won't get bored flying a Nimbus-R.

Wind driven hang glider:

This hang glider, just like a real one, is an unpowered aircraft that depends on rising air current's for gaining altitude and speed. The 3D-Wind script's powering this hang glider generate these air flows in real time using environmental SL conditions, like the SL's flat 2D wind,the shape of terrain and sun position. The pilot must use his skill to take advantage of them in order to fly long distances and stay flying for long periods of time as a real glider would.
If you don't know about RL soaring don't worry, Nimbus comes with a brief soaring guide note card which tells you all what you need to start in the art of soaring. With a bit of training you will soon be gliding all over SL.

Nimbus R features:

Customizable wing texture.
Full hang gliding's animation set.
Customizable wind.
3D-Wind powered. It performs ridge wind and thermal's.
Free updates.
Fast camera position changes using function keys.

The box includes:

Quick start guide.
Advanced Soaring guide.
Templates to help you to draw your own wing textures.
Flight controls HUD.
Nimbus R hang glider.

HUD features:

Indicator of wind speed and direction.
Angle of attack indicator.
Vertical Speed Indicator, or variometer, with an optional audible output, to inform the pilot of rising or sinking air.
Indicators can show either Knots, Km/h, or m/s.

Technical data:

Wing span:...........................11.4 m.
Minimum speed:....................27 Km/h -- 14.5 Knots
Maximum speed:...................112 Km/h -- 60.4 Knots
Best sink rate:.......................0.75 m/s
Best sink rate speed:.............40 Km/h -- 21.6 Knots
Best glide rate:......................16:1
Best glide rate speed:.............50 Km/h -- 27 Knots

Veja o item no Second Life
  • Customizable wing texture. Templates to help you to draw your own wing texture.
  • Fast camera position changes using function keys.
  • Customizable wind. Set direction, speed, variability and turbulence.
  • Free updates.
  • 3D-Wind powered. It performs ridge wind and thermal's.
Classificação média: estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia meia estrela
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fine hang glider
estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela vazia estrela vazia Postado(s) 20/03/2019 por CatherineLloyd

I can stretch myself to 3 stars.. non-mesh and the scripts feel dated.. worth 500L, not 2000.. instant regret!!!

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Great product and customers service
estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia Postado(s) 31/08/2017 por Kinch78

If you like to fly you won't regret buying this glider. It takes a little bit to learn how to fly long distances but don't give up, once you get it the "sky is the limit", literally (well and damn ban lines and j...s kicking you out of parcels in 0 seconds).
See you around!

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One of the best items I ever bought in SL
estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia Postado(s) 12/07/2013 por Pepys Ponnier

I have never flown a glider before although I can fly powered airplanes so if you have a basic knowledge of SL flight parameters, you can fly this glider but its not for someone unfamiliar with SL aircraft script engines or RL flying for that matter.

I had very few sim crossing glitches while flying in my region which has only one tall "mountain" and a couple of sand ridges. Be aware that you have to monitor the instruments closely during flight - there is not much of a margin for error. Let your mind drift, or concentrate on the instruments too much and you will have a problem. Activate your aural warning and you can hear when you've reached near stall, very handy. I've been able to stay aloft for a about 10-15 minutes so far, but I hope I can keep the glider aloft for longer periods of time with more experience. Currently, I am launching aloft from a 1000m platform which gives me enough altitude to travel to terrain features which have thermals.

I would like to say that this is really one of the finest aircraft to fly in SL, there are only 11 prims to shove through a sim cross so its an unusually smooth transition, even if you are crossing at corners! The aircraft itself is beautiful to look at and the textures are nice as well. The manual is straight forward and easy to understand, with a couple of textures, one showing the instrument panel functions and an illustration showing how thermals work with terrain features. I can't think of anything negative to say about the glider, a very fine piece of work, indeed.

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oh YES!
estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia estrela cheia Postado(s) 22/11/2011 por Stephan Greymyst

Having spent some time hang gliding in real life I can attest this is pretty darned close!

I'm not sure this is for someone just looking for fun as its a complex machine with complex theory behind it. If you're willing to spend the time you will get a feeling of whats its like to hang glide in real life! The price is steep but it isn't simple either!

Thank you for this product!

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