.:{OFAC}:. Kanaya Maryam Av

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo 1 Resenhas


I Am Proposing An Exchange Of Friendly Greetings To You All

Kanaya is a Troll, the dominent species of planet Alternia. Once described as "...kind of like klingons, or somthing." trolls are a typically violent, warrior race ruled by a hierachry based on blood color (ie, blue bloods are LITERALLY blue blooded.)

Kanaya's blood, Jade Green, is of such a rare caste, it eludes documented precedent. As such, Kanaya is given the honor of her lusus, a sort of guardian trolls are raised with, being a virgin Mother Grub.


  • Fully sculpted!
  • Face changes when you click her head!
  • uh...HANDS!


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She looks cute but...
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Postado(s) 21/10/2013 por ShotaPopPink

For whatever reason when I got her, she was REALLY wonky, and I had to move her torso, head, and all her arm parts around until they moved right and looked right, which I am bad at, so it's taking a while and is quite frustrating and I can't seem to get it right. I also needed to use an invisible Avatar which didnt seem to come with her (while Equius doesn't have that problem)
Her legs go through her skirt all the time, but it's because it's a freeflowing skirt. putting leggings on her might have made it look less awkward.
Other than that, she looks great and her expressions are perfect! I think I just god a wonky delivery or something.

On the other hand, I also got Equius, and he is pretty much PERFECT. So who knows. I'll keep messing with her...

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Vendido por: MeetThe Engineer

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