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Robbies JOMO Style!

Robbies JOMO Style!
Robbies JOMO Style!
0 Resenhas

⚠ Reviews are based on the product itself, that is what they are meant for. ⚠

✖ You're getting Pink, Blue and Green Robbies. Both genders! :D
✖ Bowtie + Textures
✖ Notecard with info
✖ Copy & Modify on everything inside!

Moderate editing skills recommended! I rezzed the bodies, and manually applying the textures myself in one shot.

- ANY hair will work with the avis. Demo hairs as well! The fluffy cheeks is the only thing in the way. You can still work with it!

Video of me applying the skin -
Or this extra one -

L$ 350

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Nerxual Oh's Creations
Nerxual Oh's Creations
Vendido por: Nerxual Oh

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Funcionam com avatares em mesh
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