Runny Rats Plague of Rats Versão 4.1

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This is the Fat(Rat)Pack of all eight variations of Runny Rats: The Plague of Rats. So, you get white, black, brown and hairless rats each with two eye colours.

If you have already bought a single Rat Pack and want the Fatpack, buy it and IM me with both transaction numbers. I'll refund the single pack. (no con-artists please, I won't do anything without verifiable transaction records)

Runny Rats are physics-enabled, free-roaming, animated rats. They squeak and squeal, jump and bump into walls and each other, can climb inclines and fall into holes, can jump onto or over obstacles and basically make a complete nuisance of themselves. They are rats, that's their job.

The rats are very highly configurable from the included Runny Rat Rezzer. This uses a menu and chat system to allow easy setting of almost all the rats' many parameters. Once set, or just using the built-in defaults, use the rezzer to rez as many rats as you can fit.

The roaming area can be configured as the region coordinates of a rectangle, or simply a distance in x and y from the rez point. Speed, distance between direction changes, jumping height and frequency, and rest time, squeaking rate and volume are configurable. The rats have a built-in shadow which can be turned off if you prefer, especially if you use advanced lighting where the viewer does a proper shadow.

The rats themselves are copy/mod so you can make as many as you want. Scripts and the rezzer are copy-only.

The rats can be resized from mouse-sized to giant cat-chasers, but large changes can mess with the physics and they work best around the supplied size.

Please see the rats in-world in their ratty play pen. You can always contact me for support or if you have a problem with your purchase. Please do so before leaving negative feedback, there's most likely something I can do to help.

Store Policy: No refunds except in the case of an accidental double purchase.


  • All Eight Runny Rat Versions, with Rezzer
  • Physics-enabled Rats, Run, Jump and Bump
  • Resizeable, 4 LI each at any size
  • Highly Configurable Settings
  • Free Roaming, Configurable Area



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Versão demo
Truly Foxy
Vendido por: Vulpinus

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