Simple Autumn Leaves Machine - Fall Particle Generator

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Incredibly easy to set up! No settings! Just set this out and Touch to turn it on! It will rain down an assortment of Fall leaves in wonderful Autumn colors! Only the object owner can turn it on or off.

This Simple Autumn Leaves Machine works great for small or large areas! Just put it higher up in the sky for bigger spaces.

Uses 6 original Particle textures in 6 different colors.

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Love it

Postado(s) 04/11/2015 por Visu Softpaw 5 estrelas

I love it <3
pity that there is no copy version of that

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Postado(s) 24/09/2011 por Bogart Bloobury 5 estrelas

This is exactly what I needed to create a falling leaves effect for Autumn.

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Alicia Stella Design
Alicia Stella Design
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Vendido por: Alicia Stella
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  • 4.86 estrelas 7 Resenhas

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