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Spotlight Dance Ball ~ Legacy~ Versão L 3.0

Spotlight Dance Ball ~ Legacy~
Spotlight Dance Ball ~ Legacy~
1 Resenhas


1 prim


~ Now back by request from several customers who were looking for the older but less expensive dance balls, I am re-adding all 5 of the original versions as they originally appeared before the new Mesh versions were developed and released. As a bonus, They are ALL Copy & Modify as well now so that you can add and remove dances as you like.
1) The Spotlight Dance Ball is tri colored red, blue, and green with a spinning & strobing spotlight in the center of each color. It slowly rotates as each spotlight spins & strobes. I always saw this design as Christmas like, but it really works all year round as well.
2) Dance Ball is menu driven and comes with 48 different simple singles dances already preloaded inside for multiple dancers just to get you started.
3) This Works Of Wonder Dance Ball is copyable and can be modified as the new owner likes. You will be able to add or remove any dances as you like. :)
4) Ease of use, just click the dance ball to bring up the menu, choose a dance and enjoy. To stop dancing just choose stop in the menu. You will only need to allow permissions once to use any animation on this dance ball during a session.
5) Keep in mind this is the original Legacy version of "The Spotlight Dance Ball" so it's an older item & the dances were really added just as a starting point as noted above. Try to remember that if you leave a review. If you are looking for a dance ball that has dances that cost 100L or more each already inside, this is not it. You really need to increase your budget to 1500L- or more as a start point. My main goal was to create a nice looking dance ball that was not as script heavy as many I have seen & actually bought myself.


Modify / Copy / No Transfer
(Scripts and textures are No Modify / Copy / No Transfer)
** Text script is Modify / Copy / Transfer so that you may change the number of dances loaded into the dance ball if you add or remove dances. You can also change the color of text and dance ball description from that script.


1) Your box may show up with any combinations of permissions on receipt, but the actual item inside will be as advertised.
2) This is a Modify / Copy item and you may rezz as many copies as you like, as well as being able to modify them without the fear of ruining your initial purchase.
3) I suggest always keeping a copy of the original product (if it was copy) in case you happen to make a mistake just so you can always start over with a fresh copy.
4) You must have land rights or visit a sandbox to rezz this item.


~This design was integrated into the new Mesh Series of Dance balls, so this version will now be considered as a Legacy item. It is still an awesome look and will work for those just looking for a basic dance ball. This item is one of the first WOW builds ever released and I really wanted to improve upon it because dancing is such a big part of SL, so I created The Mesh Dance Ball series. The new series is of course Mesh and will count as only 1 prim on your Land Impact. The scripts have also been overhauled as well, taking in several thoughts and suggestions from several customers and will now have just 1 script controlling "all" functions including any FX effects which means even less lag now. Only That 70's Night Dance ball has needed an extra script for an extra effect. All of the newer series dance balls will now have copy and modify permissions of course giving you the choice to upgrade and add your own dances if you choose to. All of the new series dance balls will also always come with a "Non FX Version" because some just preferred their dance balls less "blingy." Finally the older dances I added to get you started really are a bit dated, so the nicer dances I add as an extra now I hope will save you from having to rush out for upgrades. Of course there are always nicer and more expensive dances out there, but the newer dance balls really stand on their own much better now.

WORKS OF WONDER - 5 years and still here trying to add a bit of magic & wonderment to all the awesome people in the Second Life community. It has truly been an amazing adventure for me and I owe it all to all the great friends and customers I have met here over the years. I have truly been blessed and will continue to try to create unique and special items that I hope all will get a bit of enjoyment out of.

As always I truly hope that you enjoy the products that you have purchased from us & will continue to come back to visit us in the future. Also feel free to send me a note-card about any questions or issues you may have, I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can, just remember we all have a real life.... Well, I don't but I do get busy. LOL



Veja o item no Second Life
  • Tri colored red, blue, and green with strobing spotlight centered in each color
  • The Spotlight Dance Ball has a menu with 48 different simple singles dances
  • Dance Ball is Copy & Modify, so add and remove dances as you like
  • Ease of use, just click the ball to bring up the menu, choose a dance and enjoy
  • WOW features Club builds, Skyhomes & Skyboxes as well as many other unique items
Classificação média: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Postado(s) 05/10/2024 por Grol Vortex

this is trash

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L$ 29

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Works Of Wonder
Works Of Wonder
Vendido por: Connor71

Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

  • Copiar
  • Modificar
  • Transferir
  • Licenciado para o usuário
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Impacto no terreno: 1