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Tara's Creations Dreidel (Box)

Tara's Creations Dreidel (Box)


Hanukkah is the celebration of a miracle of light. Indeed it is called the “Festival Of Lights”. And at the very heart of this holiday is the miracle of candles burning in the rededicated Temple for 8 days instead of 1 day. It is in essence a holiday where we celebrate the power of light over darkness.

Hanukkah is 8 days. On each night we light a candle on the Hanukkah Menorah - Hanukkiah (from the Hebrew).

The first night of Hanukkah we light one candle, the second night two candles, the third night - three candles and so on until the eighth night when we light all 8.

The Dreidel began as a children's toy for Hanukkah. It is a spinning top with 4 sides. On each side there is a Hebrew Letter:

Side 1: Nun
Side 2: Gimel
Side 3. Hey
Side 4: Fey or Shinn (explained below)

The theme of Hanukkah is the miracle of lights. The Hebrew letters on the Dreidel are the first letters for the words:
Outside of Israel:
Nes Gadol Hayah Shom - > A great miracle took place THERE (meaning in Israel)
Inside of Israel:
Nes Gadol Hayah Po- > A great miracle took place HERE (meaning in Israel)

Thus the difference as shown above in the 4th letter. In Israel it is a Fey for HERE and outside it is a Shinn for THERE.

★ ★ ★ Hud Instructions For The Driedel.★ ★ ★

✔ Dreidel Textures - 11
By clicking on the 11 Textures you can change the colors of the Dreidel.

✔ Bright on and off will turn the entire base Bright on or off.

✔ Spin will turn on rotation on the Dreidel so it spins around as in the game.

✔ Resize will resize the Hanukkiah up or down. It is 10-12 LI as is.
(Do not mix up with Resize Hud which only works on the Hud itself)

The game is to spin the Dreidel and bet on what side it lands on. The money bet, is called "Hanukkah Gelt" or "Hanukkah Money".


Tara's Creations @ MP

Enjoy :)

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