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WILDHEART. Vixen Template Kit!

WILDHEART. Vixen Template Kit!
WILDHEART. Vixen Template Kit!
1 Resenhas

Vixen by WILDHEART is a full permissions skin template set!

Included is:

- Vixen's shape.
- Stylecard.

A 1024x1024 PSD file with:

- 5 skin shade options.
- 2 skintone enhancers.
- Contour option.
- Cleavage option.
- 4 blushes (plus a Create Your Own pre-set layer for instantly creating your own colours).
- 5 eyeliners.
- 3 different eyeshadow styles, with 7 colours in each, plus indiviual eyeliners.
- 7 lipstick options (plus a Create Your Own pre-set layer for instantly creating your own colours).
- 5 lipgloss options (plus a Create Your Own pre-set layer for instantly creating your own colours).
- 4 natural eyebrow colours, plus 4 crazy colours and a Create Your Own pre-set layer for instantly creating your own colours.
- 4 freckles options.

Terms of Use:

- No reselling/giving away as textures
- No reselling/giving away parts as textures
- No reselling with full permissions
- No giving away with full permissions
- For use in Second Life creations only

[Photographed on ultra graphics with Nam's Optimal Skin windlight settings].

Find me on Flickr:

  • 5 skin shades.
  • 2 skintone enhancers.
  • Vixen's shape.
  • Eyebrow options.
  • Pre-set layers for creating your own options.
Classificação média: full star full star full star full star full star
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wow what a beautiful skin
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 17/04/2014 por Razz Redrose

I bought this skin template because I really loved the face and wow trying on the skin you can see its really good quality and really really pretty . The PSD file gives a lot of choices and the creator also includes some helpful tips in her psd as well as some extra layers set up for doing quick colour changes which is a great time saving feature and for me very helpful. Over all I love this skin and find it to be a really good quality template with some great additional features that you dont normally find in most templates. What i also really liked was the creator was quick to respond and very helpful

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L$ 4.999

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Versão demo
Vendido por: Dodger Elan

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