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WWDS Tester Native Box-V1.2 Versão 1.2

WWDS Tester Native Box-V1.2
WWDS Tester Native Box-V1.2
0 Resenhas

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Tester mode:
To get any collision ammo tested just rez the bot and fire a minimum of 2 shots on the bot. ( More then 10 to get more accurate average values )
Results will be displayed on the objects text and in chat within 20 meter range.
Tester shows hit rate, velocity, bullet name, WWDS ammo special info.

Sparing mode:
Set the bot to sparing mode via menu.
Shot him once to get his attention.
Bot will fire standard collision bullets at the attacker.

Menu settings:

TIER 1 to 6 is the skill level of the bot. 1 lowest 6 highest.

RoamRange is the max distance the bot can move around while moving.

BotRange is the max target auto aiming distance. if the target moves out of the range the bot will disengeage.

SetHomePos will set the bots starting position and rotation to the current position and rotation. The bot will return to home position after he has been defeated or he won the sparing.

Happy fraging & testing ;>

( Scripts by P373R Kappler )
( Object design by Genth Saiman )

Veja o item no Second Life
  • Tests hit rate, velocity, bullet name, WWDS ammo special info.

L$ 999

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


P373R Kappler

Usar agora

Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

empty star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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  • Licenciado para o usuário
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Impacto no terreno: 15