This Store
Shadowstorm Designs
Shadowstorm Designs
Vendido por: EllowynShadowstorm
entrou: 11/01/2015

We specialize in hand crafted textures for personal and commercial use. Wild Kajera Cats, Amaretto Horses, ABCHorses, and BattleBeast Breedables are on a first come, first serve basis for the packaged babies as breeding results are randomized. Mesh items are a new territory for us and will make releases as they come available.

Note: We currently do not have an inworld store location.


Textures: All images and associated external downloads are subject to copyright laws. Licensing for images and associated external downloads are included in each pack. If you accidentally lose a texture send me a NC with the texture name, pack name/edition, and proof of purchase and we will send you a copy as soon as we can.

Breedables: We make sure all packaged babies are up to date to the cu

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