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Chimera's Simple Elegance
Chimera's Simple Elegance
Vendido por: Chimera Firecaster
entrou: 29/01/2009


Second Life's HIGHEST STANDARDS in Women's & Men's Clothing.

I design and carry the following: Complete Outfits, Skins, Women's Business Suits, Men's Boxers, Women's Boxers, Women's Socks, Men's Socks, Nylons, Vintage Panties, Lingerie, Ladies Pants, Heels

Panty Hose, Mini Skirts, Corduroy, Men's Dress Shirts, Women's Dress Shirts, Tartan Skirts, Denim, Shorts, Leotards, Body Suits, Jeans, Men's Pants, Tights, Formal, Gowns, Petticoat, Hose, Western Clothing

Jewelry, Bras, Shoes, Jean Skirts, Wench & Pirate Clothing, Blouses, Skirts, Panties, Black Pearls, Boot Cut Jeans, Sports Bras, Knit Clothing, Maiden Outfits

Body Wear, Dress Slacks, Dress Pants, Women's Pants, Women's Underwear, Western Jeans, Girls Clothing, Women's Clothing, Men's Clothing, Male Clothing, Free items.


I fully guarantee all purchases.

If you have any problems, or are not satisfied with your purchase, I will take care of it. I promise. Since my IM's get capped, be sure to SEND ME A NOTECARD with your name. Send the notecard to Chimera Firecaster.

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