- precision sharp edges, no flickering;
- LOD friendly, no distortion at distance;
- ANY regular texture compatible, no need special textures;
- shine-resistant, big flat surfaces has ideal flat reflection at high shininess;
Thank you for yours carefully reading notecard and yours personal license of using.
Package includes:
- 1 (mod/copy/NO transfer) 2LI Rustic Furniture Set (includes 2 chars, 1 bench, 1 table/bench)
This comes from idea of decorating country, hunters, giant, cartoon places. Made as an addon to Witch House Samhain Edition.
While it is sculpt, and there are no issues to use them in any viewer, it have all benefits of meshes and sculpts at once. Each piece of furniture has several faces to texture (4 faces per). Linking two of them cost you 1LI (1 prim) from yours land. Like mesh it increase it's LI cost on resizing, but unlike mesh no more then 2LI per piece even at highest 64x64x64 size. So, can save tons of prims from yours parcel if you like play giants.
At current size Chair is 0.5LI, Bench is 0.5LI and Table is 2LI. Max LI at 64x64x64 Chair=2LI,Bench=2LI,Table=2LI, BUT removing materials and set physics to PRIM, will cost 1 prim per piece even at 64x64x64, unlike normal sizes where this option wil be not effective on keeping prims.
All flat surfaces are shine resistant made, that means you can apply high shininess at them and it will looks ideal flat reflection as it would be built with regular prims.
All parts are ANY regular texture compatible, no need special premade texture. but of course some textures looks better with 90 rotation, some with more or less tilling, feel free to play with this settings.
For correct sitting used prim memory (no script uses), so one person can sit (by default) at couch or chair. If you need animated, multisit, multipose sitting please use marketplace.secondlife.com for find suiting your needs multisit script.
I have never had the following problems with my sculpt, but we are aware that this can happen: If the object continues to appear distorted, please force loading of the sculpt map by checking or unchecking the mirror and invert flags on the Edit -> Object Tab of the sculpt. If the problem continues, please check your LOD settings and your network connection to the SL server. If you don't know how to check these settings and connections, please ask your more-experienced friends for help.
- Do not change building block type of furniture, will brake it;
- Do not use phantom links scripts, will brake it. You may set physics to NONE if you want to set a piece of furniture to fantom;
- Linking it to regular or another sculpt objects automatically applies rules of mesh on all linkset, so look carefully to not loose benefits of reduced LI cost of current set.
FAQ for new builders about what is sculpt map:
You not allowed;
- To sell, share, gift, transfer this sculpt maps as images, UUID, content of object, part of texture packs or list to any other person;
- To transfer through grids and use outside Secondlife.
Wish nice buildings.
yours NEKKA (Silk Aeon)
- - precision sharp edges, no flickering;
- - LOD friendly, no distortion at distance;
- - ANY regular texture compatible, no need special textures;
- - shine-resistant, big flat surfaces has ideal flat reflection at high shininess
- - creator scripts included, creates full perm 3D shape with yours name.