G General

0.5 LI full perm "Male/Female Symbols Type.000" mesh kit, any texture Version 1.0

0.5 LI full perm "Male/Female Symbols Type.000" mesh kit, any texture

- precision shape, no flickering;
- LOD compatible, no distortion at distance;
- ANY regular texture compatible, no need special textures;
- shine-resistant, ideal metal reflective as at regular prims;

Thank you for yours carefully reading notecard and yours personal license of using.
This is NOT FINAL PRODUCT, It is just 3D model (shape) that you need TEXTURE and SCRIPT.

Package includes:
- 1 full perm (mod/copy/transfer) male mesh;
- 1 full perm (mod/copy/transfer) female mesh;
- read me;

By poseball I understand you can use it as poseball shapes, there are no formaly any script inside. Use any available, there are tonns of them.

Mesh compatible with ANY texture you have in inventory, not need any special, UV map etc.
Mesh versions can be in use as poseballs, Each mesh is 1 prim, but cost less then 1 LI (land impact) when linked. So two linked will cost 1 LI (prim from yours land). It has simple physics, so may in use with prim and convex hull physics linkset without problems. For details male mesh cost 0.15LI, female 0.63LI for current sizes.

It stays the same details up to high distance but on highest it will change to shapes without circle (cross and arrow),
Highest distance means lowest LOD set, but it way may difference depends on viewer LOD settings. so highest distance can be 5 meters on viewer object details=0.5 while it be unlimited at viewer object details=4.) Normal is 1.125, for some viewers it is 2.000
Rotation set to zero so symbols look forward with it sides.
Male symbol has 2 faces to texture. Female - 3. Is a reason for 3 sides to give variety effect on texturing with different textures and use planar or default for arrow.

- Unlike sculpt, you cannot create mesh version under yours name. it is SL limitation. Use any prim created by you as root to be seen as creator of object.
- Mesh versions stay the same prim count on current size, Resizing may increase prim cost;
- Mesh version linked may increase linkset prim cost as any other mesh, self it stay the same cost or less when unlinked.
- To texture separate faces of mesh absolutely the same to texture separate faces of simple cube. If you not sure how it works. please use SL FAQ, google. or ask yours more experienced friends for this building basics.

Yours license allows:
- Use content of this package as part of yours creations;
- To keep full perm content at one of yours alt for safe.

You license not allows;
- To sell, share, gift, transfer, decompile, extract content of this package as any source to any other person;
- To export, transfer through grids and use outside Secondlife;
- To sell, share, gift, transfer etc with full permissions, even as part of yours creation. It must be set no copy, or no modify, or no transfer;

Wish nice buildings.
yours NEKKA (Silk Aeon)

  • - precision shape, no flickering;
  • - LOD compatible, no distortion at distance;
  • - ANY regular texture compatible, no need special textures;
  • - shine-resistant, ideal metal reflective as at regular prims;