- precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
- LOD friendly, no distortion at distance;
- ANY regular texture compatible, no need special textures;
- multiface (2 faces) sculpts compatible;
- ready for personal use.
Thank you for yours carefully reading notecard and yours personal license of using.
This is FINAL PRODUCT, not sculpt map.
Package includes:
- 3 (mod/copy/no transfer) 2 prim eastern pavilions with roof;
- 1 (mod/copy/no transfer) 1 prim eastern pavilion without roof;
- 1 (mod/copy/no transfer) 3 prim eastern pavilion with roof and vines;
- read me;
What is this?
This is an accidental building. It means I was planning to build something else but happened to build this item cause was attracted with it shape.
This is eastern pavilion (you may call it gazebo, or somehow like that) consists of 2 prims. (All prims are multiface sculpted). 1 prim is pavilion base, and another prim is pavilion roof.
All items inside textured the way I liked it. And unlike other sculpt here not using any special texture. Absolutely ANY texture will suit it. That is why I am leaving you option to modify it. to link unlink. change textures, so you can use ANY texture you have in inventory to suit yours needs.
Before texturing you must select face (yes this is 2 face sculpts) and only then change texture. If you do not know how to do this. please consult yours more experienced friends for this basics.
Pavilion base with arc using planar texturing (but possibly you may like to use default texturing, switchies in texture tab of edit window). Then repeats will be 24:256 rotation 90 and offset 0.5:0.5
You will also find variations of using this pavilion. I placed inside also 1 prim and 3 prim object. 1 prim is absolutely the same pavilion as 2 prim but without roof sculpt, and top ring ( one of the faces set to transparent). As result you see it looks like ancient ruins. And 3 prim - 2 prim pavilion plus 1 prim vines, that make it looks abandoned.
- All prims are multiface sculpted and sharped. If you happened to change building block of object, please rez copy from yours inventory. You will not able to fix it, only can rez new copy.
- I have never had the following problems with my sculpt, but we are aware that this can happen: If the object continues to appear distorted, please force loading of the sculpt map by checking or unchecking the mirror and invert flags on the Edit -> Object Tab of the sculpt (do not scare while it loose it shape while swtiching to mirror it will be back when switch off mirror). If the problem continues, please check your LoD settings and your network connection to the SL server. If you don't know how to check these settings and connections, please ask your more-experienced friends for help.
Wish you nice second life.
yours NEKKA (Silk Aeon)
P.S.: No, unfortunately I am not able to set this sculpt maps as building kit. There are two reasons. One is that sharpness you see at object not able to achieve without special tools, and thought it able to see fine in any viewer, you cannot do it with viewer. And second reason, there are no tool to make this item planar texturing (that widely uses on pavilion base) without special tools. Multiface sculpting is also not a property of any viewer but it is wide known knoledge, but in case of this sculpt map it is not enough to replicate the same look. Without sharpening and planar this pavilion looks not good.
- - precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
- - LOD friendly, no distortion at distance;
- - ANY regular texture compatible, no need special textures;
- - multiface (2 faces) sculpts compatible;
- - ready for personal use.
Great item! Very versatile
I love it, so easy to make beautiful things.
Very Nice
I love all of this creators items and great customer service too !
This is a very odd kit. Some parts worked and some parts didn't. The creator should just make the complete object. Cheap as it is I regret buying it. If I could I would give it less than one star.