- precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
- LOD friendly, no distortion at distance;
- ANY regular texture compatible, uses multiface meshes;
- custom low lag script;
- ready for personal use.
It is FINAL textured, animated, scripted product, not full perm item.
If you like this product, please rate it, depends on that full perm mesh will be able or not.
Package includes:
- 1 (mod/copy/NO transfer) 2LI animated bath (include animated water, armature, curtain, floor part);
- read me.
This is my first enough complex mesh made with more then 1 prim. Overall 4 prim:
-1 prim bath with water and floor part;
-1 prim armature;
-1 prim curtain part;
-1 prim for shower particle;
But in takes only 2 prims from yours land because it is good mesh.
This item scripted for water with bubbles animation. for shower water. for curtain animation, it uses 2 animations (not static poses) for avatar, laying and standing, it scripted to sound for every action. There are only 1 script inside. Script is low lag is only 10 KB, written by me and operates all animations and sounds effects on bath.
Last update add height autoadjustment so no-RL sized avatars will not "sink" anymore in prims at first stand and height will autoadjusting on item resizing.
This bath unlike many items of such sort is modify. It means you can personally change EVERY texture in this object. There are no need any special texture for this bath, just use ANY you have in inventory. It is multiface meshes.
- Bath part uses 5 textures, 1 for legs, 1 for inner, 1 for external surface, 1 for floor/shadow/carpet part, 1 for bubbled animated water;
- Armature part use 4 textures. 1 for blue label of a tap, 1 for red label of a tap, 1 for tap part, and 1 for shower part;
- Curtain part uses 3 textures, 1 for close state, 1 for open state, 1 for hanging addition.
No textures preloaded it compatible with any texture you have in inventory or find on market or in web. Just apply it the same way you do it on separate face on simple cube. Yes very this very basic building skill required, If you not sure how to do that just ask yours more experienced friends how to apply texture on separate face.
How to use:
Rez item. Wait when "ready to use" message appears in local chat. Use.
Touch any part of item to see what happens.
Sit. And you will able to change animation on touch parts of this object too. (2 animation and only single person, thought item is modify and you can place inside yours script for couples of whatever you want to do with it).
For convenient touch use Alt+Left mouse and move mouse for convenient camera control (it is standard SL way of using cam, there are nothing inside this object for this. It works in whole SL. just not much people use it.)
This mesh uses physics and ready to pathfinding. It means when you enter a bath you will stay inside bath not falling through it to ground.
When you close curtains you ll not able to climb out at all, you still can walk inside but not able to move out of bath, to be able to move out touch curtains to open and move out.
- If curtain is open, bath still have "curtain closed" invisible part that will prevent you from clicking something inside. Just use cam move the way described above.
- If bath is empty clicking shower will change pose. but if bath filled with bubbled water clicking shower just switch on shower. To be able to change animation to stand just "empty" bath by clicking bath part and you ll be able to wash under shower again. This was made for more realistic behavior.
Support only through IM message, even when offline. Please describe as much detail as possible and leave me message. I will answer as soon as will be online.
NEKKA (Silk Aeon)
- - precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
- - LOD friendly, no distortion at distance;
- - ANY regular texture compatible, uses multiface meshes;
- - custom low lag script;
- - ready for personal use.
works better than my expensive bath
and i even got to pu tmy funny rick n morty shower texture on the curtain haha cute
5 stars
Just got this added to my new house . land inpacked 2 WOW!!!! i love this shower , iv got a few items off this creator. this shower is perfect thank you, i would give her 10 stars if i could
Great Value
So if you're just getting started and are on a low budget but looking for a cute tub--this is the one to go with. It's mesh, you can modify it to get rid of the floor, the curtain and even the curtain rod.
I bought this because I had been looking forever for a faucet and showerhead for my tub, which came with my apartment and had none of those things.
I really like the tub that I have, however. It has a different shape than this one and some couples animations. Problem is, it's just a tub of water sitting in my house with no faucets to make it a bit more realistic. So here's what I did:
I was unable to use the curtains so I completely unlinked and deleted that and the curtainrod. Then I also got rid of the tub and only used the shower arm. I know that that means I won't be able to use the scripts that came with the build, but it's okay. I mainly just wanted the faucets. :) Now my tub looks complete!
The second thing I used this for was adding a tub to my guest house. This time I kept everything but the floor and curtain. I ended up scripting my own shrinking/expanding curtain for the rod and re-textured the inside to match my guest house. :)
Lastly, I ended up using just the shower arm again for a shower spout for my private beach area :) I realized it looks perfect for that! Kudos to the builder for an awesome and useful build.
Animated Mesh Bath
Absolutely perfect. Super low LI. Nice textures. Many features. Looks great. And for that price! I use it every time. Thank you!!!
Well done!
Looks great in my art-deco styled and decorated home.