- precision shape, no noticeble flickering;
- LOD friendly, no distortion at distance;
- ANY regular texture compatible, uses multiface sculpts technology;
- shine-resistant, stays flat reflective where possible;
- ready for personal use.
It is FINAL product, not sculpt map.
Package includes:
- 1 (mod/copy/NO transfer) 3 prim sculpt decorative mill with rotating wheel w animated water and sounds.
- read me.
It is sculpt 3 prims water mill. 1 prim mill 1 prim wheel and last update 1 prim water prim. I add it by several requests..
Scripted on touch to rotate wheel and start sound and water flow, touch again to stop and disable water.
"Decorative" because door not opens, it is full phantom so you cannot walk by or inside, but I made simple area if you will peek inside with cam, you can as well sit near door.
Yes, if you do not like texture or want to make it suitable yours area objects, you can use ANY (yes ANY) texture you have in inventory to apply on this mill. No need any special, baking etc.
List of faces:
- 1 texture for wood part;
- 1 texture for roof parts );
- 1 texture for whole wheel;
- 1 texture for vertical stream;
- 1 texture for horizontal stream.
Be sure you select face first (roof or any wood part) to separately change texture. If you not familiar with this basics, ask yours more experienced friends how to texture different faces on prim (side on cube for example. it is absolutely the same).
- Do not change building block type. otherwise multiface will be broken. If you did that, just rez fresh copy from yours inventory;
- Do not use any phantom child script. it will brake multiface too.
- If you changing wheel position and it supposed to be rotated on another axis. you may change adjustments of rotation renaming notecard <0.3, 0, 0> in yours wheel prim. Instructions inside notecard. As well if you want to change speed of water animation, go in to water prim and rename notecard named 0.1 to a speed you need. Instructions the same inside notecard.
P.S.:Multiface sculpts works fine in any viewer, and have no difference as only have more then one face to texture.
Information about that can be get in building groups around SL. or just google.
NEKKA (Silk Aeon)
- - precision shape, no noticeble flickering;
- - LOD friendly, no distortion at distance;
- - ANY regular texture compatible, uses multiface sculpts technology;
- - shine-resistant, stays flat reflective where possible;
- - ready for personal use.
Looks great
Perfect for my zen garden