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ABTech - Contest Board (Double Pack) Version 5.4.2

ABTech - Contest Board (Double Pack)

Contest Board rev 5.4.2 (nov 2022) with even more features !!!
◇ 2 Contest Boards included in this pack : see store for other packages ◇

This contest board can do 'classic' contest (name list) but it can also diplay profile pics or any other texture an entrant want to use.

With the multiple vote system included you can both make your contests more attractive and increase your traffic.

This contest board has been designed for professional use : unlimited voters and entrants, very low prim usage but large display, works in laggy sims, multiple game possibilities, Multiple Layer Skin system, access controled and much more usefull features...


✔ Support 150 entrants and 1000 voters and those default limits can be increased for free ('Theoretically' up to no limit !!!)

✔ Very Low prim contest board : 31 prims.

✔ Menu operated : no notecard to configure !

✔ Make contests with up to 30 different prizes !!! (If 2 or more winners tie in votes, the prizes are split)

✔ Everybody win contest mode (The Prize is splitted according to the number votes)

✔Make picture contests(3 modes) :
↪ Default : No pics used : the board displays up to 5 names per page.
↪ Mode 1 : Automaticly displays profile pics.
↪ Mode 2 : Mode 1 + Allows entrants to display any picture (or texture) they want.
▶ Entrants can change their pics at any time (as long as the "join contest" button is open)
▶ You can hide entrants with no available pics : They will not receive votes until they enter a picture.
▶ TOS compliant : The board request permission to display profile pics
▶ 3 Aspect ratios available to display pics (1:1, 4:3, full screen)

✔ Add a pot to your contest :
↪ The pot can go to the winner or be splitted according to the number of votes
↪ The pot can be raised by donations
↪ A percentage on entrance fees and vote fees can be used to raise the pot

✔ Multiple vote system : Voters are able to vote X times each Y period (default : one vote per contest)
↪ you can grant as many votes as you want to voters.
↪you can define a time period at which the number of available vote will be renewed.

✔ Include a pay to join mode. You can set a pourcentage on entrance fees that will be use to raise the prize or the pot.

✔ Include a pay to vote mode.You can set a pourcentage on vote fees that will be use to raise the prize or the pot.

✔ Anybody can pay the board to raise the prize or the pot : 4 modes available
↪ Donations are not allowed
↪ Donations raise the 1st prize (or the amount to share)
↪ Donations raise the pot
↪ Donation raise the pot and the 1st prize (The board will ask the giver to choose)
▶ You can enable/disable donations at any time during contest.

✔ Vote confirmation (voters are asked to confirm their vote) : this feature can be disabled

✔ You can hide entrants that are not present on the sim : They will not receive votes until they came back.

✔ You can prevent entrants to vote for themself

✔ You can restrict voting to entrants only (join to vote)

✔ Full results display : votes, rank and prize earn for each entrant.

✔ All parameters are configurable also while a contest is running

✔ You can restrict entering a contest to Group Members and/or a name list (You also can ban user); You can remove an entrant during contest.

✔ You can restrict voting in a contest to Group Members and/or a name list (You also can ban user).

✔ You can enable/disable Entering and/or Voting at any time.

✔Allows you to delegate the management of the contest board to a group (your staff) or friends. Two levels of access are avalaible :
↪ Level 1 : This level allows access to all functions except those involving payments.
↪ Level 2 : Full Admin.

✔ Include a manual payement mode : If you don't want to grant the constest board the permission to take money (for not fully trusting your host for instance).

✔ Include a total payout limit : Use it to limit the money spent by your hosts (The total payout limit is automaticly raised if someone pay the board).

✔ Can display vote count in real time for each entrant

✔ Multilanguage: English, French

✔ 6 text lines (20 characters per line in normal mode) : to display entrants and results.

✔ 2 text lines (30 characters per line in normal mode) : to display title and informations

✔ Low lag contest board : no listen left, state of the art XyzzyText technologie used (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/XyzzyText), Only one texture used to render text in low lag display.

✔ Multiple Layer Skin system : Change colors, gender, textures, brightness... just using menu provided by the board

✔ Allows you to set the chat range : 10, 20, 100m distance.

✔ Allows you to set the diplay time for each page : from 10s to 120s

✔ Size : resizable from 4.00 x 2.94 m up to 10.00 x 7.35 m

✔ Free updates (please join the ABTechnologie group)

See item in Second Life
  • Multiple game possibilities
  • Multiple vote system
  • pay to join/vote modes
  • anti-cheating features
  • see details for more information about this contest board...
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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full star full star full star full star empty star Posted November 19, 2009 by River Brimm

Excellent board, with the exception of not very good instructions on it's use. A little different than the standard 'pay the board'.

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