G General

*D&D* GD20-Barbatos Lupus Fiend 1:10 Standard Edition (Boxed) Version 20191125

*D&D* GD20-Barbatos Lupus Fiend 1:10 Standard Edition (Boxed)

GD20-ASW-G-08LF “Barbatos Lupus Fiend” 1:10 Standard Edition Main User Guide

This Avatar is about 6’2 ft (1.99m) height
Avatar is: -M+C-T
Weapons are: +M+C-T
Scripts inside are: -M+C-T

. This avatar requires viewer that supports alpha mask (SL2.0+, Firestorm 3.0+, Pheonix, Cool, SnowGlobe, etc.)
. This avatar requires viewer that supports rigged mesh (SL3.0+, Firestorm 5.0+, etc.)
. This box includes Non-gender-specific (Unisex?) avatar only.

Model includes: (parts / attach point)

GD20- Barbatos Lupus Fiend:

. Full body (Pelvis / Rigged)

(Alternative parts)
. Full body without decals (Pelvis / Rigged)
. Full body without decals and wings (Pelvis / Rigged)
. Wings only (Spine / Rigged)
. Decals only (Pelvis / Rigged)

. GD20-ZG6X- Fiendish Grand Sword (R-Hand / Non-Rigged) (Melee weapon, activates via HUD or sheath.)
. GD20_Beam_Server (Avatar center / Non-Rigged ) (* use to simulate combat visual effects)
. GD20-ZG6X- Claw (L/R Forearm / Non-Rigged) (* use to simulate claw equipment in melee)
. GD20-ZG6X- sheath (Spine / Non-Rigged) (* use to activate melee weapon)

. GD20-ZG6X- Fiendish G.S. DUMMY (** dummy sword, for decoration only)

(* = items that won't effect combat result, only boost visual-effects in combat. Can be removed to make less lag.)

HUD system:
. Uni-HUD V5.42
. Color Changer HUD V7.75
. Warrior AO male V4.0 Simplified Version

. Body Shape and Alpha Mask, etc.

For Complete reference of the weapon and booster, please read the full description of the specific items.

. The creator of this product is not responsible for any technical error cause by lag or other unauthorized use. Although the gun / booster scripts are tested for several times, but there can still be some small error we haven’t noticed. For any major bug, please contact the creator for debugging.

. The creator of this product is responsible for errors caused by insufficient permission setting. If you found any item in this product have any problems of rezzing due to insufficient permission setting, please contact the creator for item updates.

See item in Second Life