This script allows you to play sequenced wav files. Simple to use and low lag. 3 scripts are included
- playWavs - menu based
- playWavs link - controlled by link messages
- playWavs chat - controlled by chat commands
- Choose the length of the wav files
- Start and Stop playing the files
- Set the volume
- Looping or Single play
- Optionally display the name of the object, current / total tracks &
play time in floating text.
- Play / Stop
- Loop / No Loop
- Volume Control
- Set sound file length
- 3 scripts! Menu based, link messages, or chat
Not working
I've never written a poor review for any product but this one is a costly one to let go. The instructions are simple - I followed them to the letter. It doesn't work. I've been unable to set the loop or volume both of which are advertised on the package. I have tried and been unable to contact the creator who has not been in SL for a number of months. I'm hoping if he sees this, that he'll get in touch. If not, I've lost 500L.