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Found Footage - Shagged Fur body add-on Version 1.2

Found Footage - Shagged Fur body add-on

Requires the TWI Wolf avatar and some decent modding skills (linking and unlinking)

In this pack is

x1 Chest add-on for TWI wolf NORMAL, linked to x1 Butt add-on for TWI wolf
x1 Chest add-on for TWI wolf TINY, linked to x1 Butt add-on for TWI wolf
x1 Chest add-on for TWI wolf BIG, linked to x1 Butt add-on for TWI wolf
x1 Chest add-on for TWI wolf GIGANTIQUE, linked to x1 Butt add-on for TWI wolf

BONUS x1 Chest add-on for M.O.R Hellhund

How to use:

- Rez (drag from inventory to ground) your TWI Wolf's [[[NO FUR]]] Body and your purchased fluff modification.

- Rez and select your new fluff parts, THEN your original body and link.

- Important. Go through the HUD, resetting your Fur Base, Fur Normals, Fur Specular, and the same for the Extras. Ensure your Fur Base and Extras have the same Tint color. Neglecting any part of this will result in color seams.

- Use your appliers, either purchased or that came with the avatar, to apply your textures to the new parts.

IF YOUR MARKINGS LAYER DOESN'T SHOW UP: Edit the body, edit linked, find the new fluffs, and ensure they are set to Alpha Blending.

For Hellhund bonus chest, rez body and link fur to body, then re-use applier.

1.1 update
- added Hellhund bonus chest rig (experimental, it's a bonus for a reason)
- updated all twi wolf chest rigs so the fluffs near the ears are unlinkable.

- updated rigging for hellhund bonus

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Nice fluff.
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted June 11, 2024 by Harlly Dawg

It's a nice fluff, very good looking. But I am using the Hellhund and it should be noted you can only get that under then neck fluff look like that by using a larger body type. It will not work like that on t he standard hellhund model and does not have as many faces to it as I'd like.

Happy to support the product and will use it on the TWI Wolf, but not on my hellhund untill I begin making larger doggos. (But not many body/head mods have support to the cerb heads so not happening soon)

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