HORIZONS is an advanced and extremely versatile holodeck rezzing system. Features include several free scenes, panoramas, and shells, a zero-config installation system, changeable interiors and exteriors, and a host of tools for content creators.
HORIZONS can be used as a home with changing furniture sets and rooms, a holographic roleplay area for SciFi fans, or a demo rezzer for large or small 3D items. Capable of creating scenes the size of a region, you can easily change the whole sim, or one small room, at the push of a button.
Included scenes:
* Airport
* Aquarium
* Asylum
* Barnyard
* Camping Trip
* Hideaway
* Hunter's Retreat
* Movie Theater
* Old Mill
* Sealab
* Snow Cave
* Stonehenge (mesh)
* 20m, 30m and 50m panocubes with several photographic environments
Included shells:
* Holodeck Shells (15x18, 20x20 and 40x40)
* Building Platform (30x40m building platform)
* Industrial Shell (15x18 shell, 7 prims)
* Modern Shell (15x18 shell, 22 prims)
* Plus two other shells for use with Novatech TARDISis
In addition to the above content, the Professional model features advanced editing tools for creating your own scenes. It also includes transferable position scripts and shell templates, allowing you to resell your creations to other HORIZONS owners.
HORIZONS is ever-expanding, with new content and features created frequently and available in our vendors. With the professional model, you can even create your own scenes, shells or panoramas for resale through us, or HORIZONS-friendly objects in your own vendors. More information about this in the included creator's guide.
HORIZONS -- Unlimited imagination, boundless horizons, create your own reality.
The professional edition contains everything you need to create your own scenes for distribution.
See item in Second Life- Package builds up to the size of a sim
- Distribute your creations
- Advanced configuration. Customize sounds, text, time-outs, etc.
- Full security options, including guest and staff lists
- Compatible with our TARDIS, emDash, Paradise Blanket, and more!
Great system!
I have used it for a while now, as I am always wanting to change out scenes.. this helps me do just that.. I keep allot of my scenes and skyboxes and platforms in mine. I have also used the panocube(s) in mine and have had no issues uisng this system. ( I find it's been worth the money for my use! ) I just think if you find you are interested or have a idea of using this, then get this... I think you will find it works great. It's kept updated as well. Always a plus in here..
The best one in the grid!
Yes, this is the best one in the grid and it's worth the price! And I say that because I've tried many others and I was almost giving up when I finally decided to try this one, and it works like magic, easy and simple and it make my work a lot easier. Thank you!
Textbook Example of How NOT to Be. A Pro Developer
Fiinnaky, unreliable, buggy, dreadful documentation and worst possible support in any universe
Serous developers tend to move to other rezzers. The creator has the worst attitude I have seen in any universe. In real life he would be unemployable due to an evident personality disorder and "god complex" Any attempt to correct his "documentation" or point out actual malfunction will be met by a torrent of public abuse from him and his followers.
Seriously, avoid the drama.
If you are serious about building a rezzable, movable, updatable scene, avoid this toy at all costs. There are many alternatives.
Should be great for me
The creator of this system, Cheshyr Ponchartrain was very helpful and attentive. I have gotten figured out what I needed from this system. Once again, thanks for your help!
Still holds up after all these years :)
Even in 2020, this thing is fantastic. I have been using this on my mainland parcel to put modern mesh skyboxes with modern mesh furniture and the like so I can swap out my skyboxes as I want to take advantage of my limited land impact and parcel size, and it works like an absolute charm. I definitely recommend this if you like to decorate and are always picking up your skybox builds as one piece into your inventory to rez later like i do ;)
Friend gave me L to get this and wow now that i have it i so would have bought it myself it is so freaking cool. Wasent even sure what it did and i still have a lot of playing around to do lol but this thing is really really cool ;)