◈ Lindo – Terminal
│ Lindo terminal is the host that allows your parcel or sim to be supported by Lindo.
│ Lindo will bring visitors to see your place and generate traffic.
◈ Currently there are five versions of the Lindo Terminal:
│ • 60% version package (Demo version)
│ • 40% version package (Full version)
│ • 30% version package (Full version)
│ • 20% version package (Full version)
│ • 10% version package (Full version)
│ Full versions additionally include a seed vendor, a color matching game (a gift for your place) and
│ two affiliate vendors for you to be able to sell and obtain income from the products of Lindo Creations.
│ Seed vendor gives you 50% commission from each purchase.
│ Affiliate vendors gives you 30% commission from each purchase.
◈ The Lindo Terminal is really easy to setup:
│ 1. Just put the terminal and seed vendor in the desired place.
│ 2. Grant debit permissions.
│ 3. Pay desired amount to share with players.
│ (Note: The other contents in the package are optional to use.)
◈ More information about the terminal:
│ Clicking on your terminal, will give you a few options;
│ "Range", "Event", "Group", "Managers", "Update", "Terminal Info", "Help", and "Player list".
◈ Range:
│ Terminal owners can control where players go with the three different range types:
│ • Specific: Allows the users to wander within a specific radius around the terminal determined by the terminal owner.
│ • Parcel: Allows the users to wander the parcel that the terminal is in.
│ • Sim: Allows the users to wander the entire sim that the terminal is in.
◈ Event:
│ Payout rate specifies the ratio of lindens visitors can earn from your terminal.
│ For instance, if the visiting player is about to win L$1 and you have set the rate as x6, in this case, they win L$6.
│ Note: Increasing the payout rate will entice more Lindo visitors to come to your land.
◈ Event > Timer (Timer button under the event button.)
│ Timer button under "Event" allows you to specify a time for your event to be automatically stopped.
◈ Group:
│ This feature allows your terminal to require players to join your group.
◈ Managers:
│ This allows you to add or remove people you want to manage the terminal.
│ The managers you add can change terminal settings just like you do.
◈ Update:
│ When an update is available, you will be notified by the terminal.
│ Then you can update using this update button.
◈ Terminal Info:
│ Terminal info allows you to see the current info of your terminal.
◈ Players:
│ Shows the player names connected to terminal.
◈ Do you have more questions?
│ Please don't hesitate to ask your questions to us anytime!
│ Web: www.lindocreations.com
│ Group: Lindo
│ Creator: Sofistik Resident
│ or any of Lindo Helpers
This is a great marketing tool to help get you traffic on your sim. Quality product with quite a few interesting features. This one in my opinion beats most traffic increase products. Thanks for this.
my lindo HUD is working
After sending several messages and a notecard, I received a response from Sofistik and my lindo HUD is working in my main account. Thank you Sofistik.
Great product!
I tried out the demo and decided to purchase the 30% version. This is a great tool for businesses that want to generate more brand awareness in-world. Thank you for this tool!
Am I hopeful for my sales at my shop? Yes. Do I expect more sales at my shop? No. It doesn't matter. It's a fun way for others (such as myself) to earn more lindens. I chose the demo before the actual purchase to make sure things run smoothly. So far, so good. Great job! :)
Best Purchase
I love this it did increase traffic to my shop but I was hoping it would increase my sales with more people visiting but nothing yet still good